The Way, The Truth, The Life without which no one comes to the Father

Group Policies: *No self-promotion or spam. Posts with links to your blog, articles, business pages, affiliate offers lead capture offers, spam or any other sort of solicitation of fellow group members (including asking for likes/shares/followers) are not allowed. Post containing religious groups’ information and other nearmiss-names will be deleted. *The purpose of this group is to lead the entire world into the knowledge and understanding of Who it is who said these words and identify Him and acknowledge Him and lead others to believe and trust in Him. *This group is an entry level groups open for anyone to enter but which will not tolerate those who persist in misleading others away from the Truth who function unwittingly as agents of His enemies. We strongly recommend using chaperones whenever communicating privately with a member of the opposite sex. It is indeed common sense for any believer not to choose a nonbeliever chaperone because they are untrustworthy and adversarial to the righteous, and an adversarial chaperone would be counterproductive to the goal of having chaperones, which is to prevent false accusations. Therefore, both parties should be in agreement about who is the chaperone, as well as the chaperone, as it is also not good to obligate anyone. Since scriptures state that in the word of two witnesses a matter should be established, and scripture also makes clear “witnesses” means witnesses of Yâhuwshúa`, chaperones should be believers whenever possible, but Yâhuwshúa` did not also say they had to be members of one of our groups. If a believer has a chaperoned conversation with a nonbeliever, it is common sense the chaperone should be a believer, for all of the above reasons. *Questions are welcomed, please, stay on topic. Come visit the Firstfruits at
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FPS/EPP update (now we only do .doc format) please keep your copies up to date!' Purer Scriptures - doc.rar


FPS/EPP update (now we only do .doc format) please keep your copies up to date!' Purer Scriptures - doc.rar


FPS/EPP UPDATE on Please keep your copies up to date. The first 8 verses of Ychezqel chapter 1 are decoded, and contain very interesting information and will continue, but we had to pause for our work on the website. Also some improvements are done in...See more


Notice: The Firstfruits' Purer Scriptures [FPS] are now directly available for free download on our new dual-names website under the upper main menu topic Free Scriptures:


FPS and EPP update. See which books are newest. Look at MattithYahuw 10, and 16: 16+'s recent decodings, YshaYahuw 22:22, and remember the books fully decoded recently are 2 Keph, 1,2,3 Yahuwchanan, Yahuwdah, and Disclosure. All these will help you understand and F5 (refresh) and undo old disinformation from canonical "scriptures of demons" as Yahuwshua called them. FPS   EPP


FPS/EPP UPDATE - MAJOR UPDATE PLEASE ERASE ALL YOUR OLD COLLECTION PRIOR TO REPLACING THEM WITH THESE. Certain books/files are obsolete and removed. Please keep your copies up to date! All the studies and Prologue and Index are updated, all books are in a new format, more legible and practical for all. Updated files are uploaded to the group room chat.


IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT: time-sensitive! FPS/EPP UPDATE at - the last one before the old website shuts down, perhaps 1/3/23 (that's 3/1/23 for those outside USA) please keep your copies up to date. If you have never downloaded this, make yourself a folder call it...See more


FPS / EPP UPDATE, please keep your copies up to date! For the newcomers, the download link is in the site menu on Now there is only the .doc format. We have eliminated the .pdf. When we have moved the website's good content to merge with the dual-name website...See more


FPS and EPP UPDATE! Please keep your copies up to date! Both languages, both .doc and .pdf formats updated. Remember to delete all the content of your folder before you refill it with the download because some old files which are obsolete are eliminated from the download but...See more


FPS/EPP UPDATE! Please keep your copies up to date! Both languages both formats, .doc recommended, .pdf also available Disclosure/Revelacion is polished up to the beginning of Chapter 20. As per the previous post re: meanings of the things in Ch 19, it has been made fairly easy to understand. Do study Disclosure.

Group Policies: *No self-promotion or spam. Posts with links to your blog, articles, business pages, affiliate offers lead capture offers, spam or any other sort of solicitation of fellow group members (including asking for likes/shares/followers) are not allowed. Post containing religious groups’ information and other nearmiss-names will be deleted. *The purpose of this group is to lead the entire world into the knowledge and understanding of Who it is who said these words and identify Him and acknowledge Him and lead others to believe and trust in Him. *This group is an entry level groups open for anyone to enter but which will not tolerate those who persist in misleading others away from the Truth who function unwittingly as agents of His enemies. We strongly recommend using chaperones whenever communicating privately with a member of the opposite sex. It is indeed common sense for any believer not to choose a nonbeliever chaperone because they are untrustworthy and adversarial to the righteous, and an adversarial chaperone would be counterproductive to the goal of having chaperones, which is to prevent false accusations. Therefore, both parties should be in agreement about who is the chaperone, as well as the chaperone, as it is also not good to obligate anyone. Since scriptures state that in the word of two witnesses a matter should be established, and scripture also makes clear “witnesses” means witnesses of Yâhuwshúa`, chaperones should be believers whenever possible, but Yâhuwshúa` did not also say they had to be members of one of our groups. If a believer has a chaperoned conversation with a nonbeliever, it is common sense the chaperone should be a believer, for all of the above reasons. *Questions are welcomed, please, stay on topic. Come visit the Firstfruits at