Theological Discussion, Church History and Patristics

A place to discuss and explore Christianity and its rich and vast history; to learn from that "great cloud of witnesses", the Church Fathers -- those who have learned from the Apostles and left us their writings. ---- GROUP RULES I don't want this place inundated with arbitrary rules, so here's a few basic principles I'd expect any Christian to uphold. Colossians 4:6 Let your speech always be gracious, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how you ought to answer everyone. • We affirm the Nicene Creed and what is considered historical orthodoxy (mainly summed up in the creed: virgin birth; life, death and physical resurrection of Christ, and the Triune God). • Don't hate. No racism, bullying, personal/targeted attacks, ad homs or ill intent of any kind. Love one another as Christ loves you. • If you do have a problem with someone, follow the biblical principles: talk to that person to find resolve. Failing that, make a group chat with an admin to oversee. If all else fails, ignore them and don't engage. Personally I'd prefer it if people didn't block one another but do as you must if you are antagonised. • Discuss and debate respectfully. Remember, the tongue has the power to give and take life, bless and curse — so learn to control it. Don't provoke someone into a fruitless argument to make a point. • Do all things in love for the encouragement and building up of one another in Christ. We're here to study and learn as iron sharpens iron, not win points in an argument. • If you make a claim, be prepared to back it up with Scripture and/or historical/relevant texts • Don't block admin's or you will be removed unless you unblock them. • I realise we have a lot of people from all over the world here now, but if possible, please post in English or provide a translation just so the group is accessible to all members as much as possible :) • No advertising or spam posts or you will be
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What the hell is "Hell", anyway? (Part Two) In part one, I covered a lot of New Testament texts, a few Old Testament passages, plus a look at what some of the earliest church leaders also wrote on the topic to the early church. In this one, we will be looking at a few more Old Testament examples and how they relate to the imagery used in Revelation, amongst other things.


Daily devotionals Many are so used to advertising their problem and how they came from a family that is loaded with curses or complaining about those who failed them. Thus, the cycle of life continues from one generation to another without a change. Kindly click the link below...


SAINTS Calling the saints all to come home Gathering the saints together in community Equipping the saints for the work of the mission Sending the saints into the world to make a difference!! Join us on Sundays.10am & 5:30pm. KINDLY CLICK THE LINK BELOW TO JOIN.


Seminary professors tell their students that the NASB is the most exact and accurate Bible while small country churches claim that the KJV is the most exact and accurate Bible. Which one is it, then? Well, that depends on what you are actually wanting translated into English.


When King Jesus was a baby he chose which man on earth would be His guardian. He chose a man willing to provide and protect his wife and child by obeying God. Shouldn't all Christian men desire to follow that example of manhood?


The Book of Enoch is mentioned in all sorts of pop culture references and some believe it should be included in the canon of the Bible.... but should this ancient writing really be considered worthy of acceptance as inspired by God?


The Unity the Holy Spirit gives us as believers is seen in 1 Corinthians 12:13-14 "For by one Spirit are we all baptized into one body… and have been all made to drink into one Spirit. -- For the body is not one member, but many."


Churches don’t often talk about sexual assault, but maybe we should. The CDC says that Sexual violence is common in our society. One in 4 women and about 1 in 26 men have experienced a completed or attempted sexual assault. So, this has affected each of us in our lives and we need to discuss it because the Word of God has answers for every situation.


One of the most confusing passages in the Bible is found in 1 Corinthians 11 discussing the wearing of head coverings. While an understanding of the ancient society is needed, the main point concerns gender roles and how God has designed men and women in His creation order. This is a topic greatly misunderstood even today!


What one wrong decision is keeping you from becoming what God desires for your life? One decision can make you into a hero or a horror! The only right decision is the one made “in Christ!”


While you may think it is wise to stay away from false worship, would you, in the modern day, say you are scared to participate in false worship? Do people realize the danger of participating with false religions and pretending that we are all worshipping the same God? There is a REAL DANGER in false worship!

A place to discuss and explore Christianity and its rich and vast history; to learn from that "great cloud of witnesses", the Church Fathers -- those who have learned from the Apostles and left us their writings. ---- GROUP RULES I don't want this place inundated with arbitrary rules, so here's a few basic principles I'd expect any Christian to uphold. Colossians 4:6 Let your speech always be gracious, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how you ought to answer everyone. • We affirm the Nicene Creed and what is considered historical orthodoxy (mainly summed up in the creed: virgin birth; life, death and physical resurrection of Christ, and the Triune God). • Don't hate. No racism, bullying, personal/targeted attacks, ad homs or ill intent of any kind. Love one another as Christ loves you. • If you do have a problem with someone, follow the biblical principles: talk to that person to find resolve. Failing that, make a group chat with an admin to oversee. If all else fails, ignore them and don't engage. Personally I'd prefer it if people didn't block one another but do as you must if you are antagonised. • Discuss and debate respectfully. Remember, the tongue has the power to give and take life, bless and curse — so learn to control it. Don't provoke someone into a fruitless argument to make a point. • Do all things in love for the encouragement and building up of one another in Christ. We're here to study and learn as iron sharpens iron, not win points in an argument. • If you make a claim, be prepared to back it up with Scripture and/or historical/relevant texts • Don't block admin's or you will be removed unless you unblock them. • I realise we have a lot of people from all over the world here now, but if possible, please post in English or provide a translation just so the group is accessible to all members as much as possible :) • No advertising or spam posts or you will be
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