Parents Matter

Parenting is not without its challenges. No one needs a license to parent. But without some basic know-how, what should be rewarding can be overwhelming. So share the lessons you've learned, the challenges you have overcome, and the joys that are yours as parents.
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Mental Health

If we destroy the environment that provides the nurturing that children need why are we expecting anything more than anxiety and fear?


This article is focused on adults and cognitive decline. But consider the impact on children whose brains are still developing. I would think that they are at even greater risk for cognitive impairment from ill-advised vaccination protocols. Don't let the 'cure' be worse than the disease it is supposed to alleviate. t


As an adult I have suffered health issues that relate back to the overuse of antibiotics in my childhood. At the time my parents knew little about my allergies, so I don't blame my parents for following the ill-informed advice of their doctors in prescribing antibiotics for issues that were cleared up with dietary changes.


Why vaccines are dangerous- the tell-tale signs of blood clumping, mini-strokes, and lost zeta potential from childhood and all other vaccines. STORY AT-A-GLANCE Vaccines often cause various side effects, making it hard to identify common causes. Neurologist Andrew Moulden...See more


A new slavery

A great graphic to share with the children who are begging for a phone.


Advice for Parents

Parenting is not without its challenges. No one needs a license to parent. But without some basic know-how, what should be rewarding can be overwhelming. So share the lessons you've learned, the challenges you have overcome, and the joys that are yours as parents.