Final Fantasy

A group for all players of all Final Fantasy games to get help with any aspect of any of the Final Fantasy games and to share anything to do with the games. News about new games, information, anything really. ONLY posts about Final Fantasy here. All other posts will be deleted. Repeat offenders will be BANNED.
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#Underbuffed #FinalFantasy #FinalFantasyXIITheZodiacAge #FinalFantasy12TheZodiacAge You might not know this, but I write Tips and Guides for Final Fantasy XII The Zodiac Age for my Friendos Website, "Underbuffed." If you're gonna play the Game I recommend you check them out...See more


#FinalFantasy #FinalFantasyXII #FinalFantasy12 #FinalFantasyXIITheZodiacAge #FinalFantasy12TheZodiacAge This was SOOOO needed!! I can't believe someone made this and I can't believe I found something like this after hours of searching information about Crafting Items from the...See more

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#FinalFantasy #FinalFantasyXII #FinalFantasy12 #FinalFantasyXIITheZodiacAge #FinalFantasy12TheZodiacAge Use these Maps to find all the Treasure in the Game. Detailed Maps of every Area except for Rabanastre and Lowtown, which you don't really need. It shows all the Treasure you...See more


Can you share a Final Fantasy game that you started but haven't finished?


What's your favorite Final Fantasy Song/Tune/Theme?


#Memes #FinalFantasyXII #Skyrim #Fran #OlfinaGrayMane --- It's funny because both Characters are not particularly strong, but they act like they are, lol. 🤣


#Memes #FinalFantasyXIV #FFXIV #CriticallyAcclaimedMMORPG #FreeTrial --- Made this because I've seen People jumping down the throat's of others for saying this exact same thing, lol. 😂🤣

A group for all players of all Final Fantasy games to get help with any aspect of any of the Final Fantasy games and to share anything to do with the games. News about new games, information, anything really. ONLY posts about Final Fantasy here. All other posts will be deleted. Repeat offenders will be BANNED.