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#ProjectZodiah #CoreConcept --- I watched a Video from a Successful Video Game Creator and he said that the first step is to come up with a Core Concept in the form of a question and ask it to others and see what they say. So, here it goes... --- My Step One: "What if you lived...See more

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#XzodiusStudios #GameDeveloper #ProjectZodiah #ProjectNightstalkers #Announcement --- Howdy. So, now I have two Projects, lol. Project: Nightstalkers will be an Open World/1st-3rd Person/Shooter/Action-RPG set in our World and will be much less RPG Heavy. Where as Project: Zodiah...See more


#ProjectZodiah #Inspiration #HPLovecraft #LovecraftianHorror #CosmicHorror --- Howdy y'all. I'd like to tell you all about one of the Inspirations for my Video Game Project: Zodiah. I really love the Author, H.P. Lovecraft, and his Stories. He pioneered a entire Genre of Horror...See more


#ProjectZodiah #LovecraftianCosmicHorror #ThePlateauOfLeng #TheDreamlands #Azathoth --- So, I think I've come to a decision about the Character of Azathoth as it relates to my Game, Zodiah. In the Lovecraftian Mythos, Azathoth is the creator... well, sort of... it is actually...See more

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#ProjectZodiah #GameMechanics #Skills #Magicks --- Howdy y'all!! I'd like to tell you about some of the Special Skillsets and Special Magicksets I plan to feature in my Game, Zodiah. In order to do that, I will have to also talk about some of the Job Class as...See more


#ProjectZodiah #GameMechanics #Equipment #Forging #Enchanting --- Instead of giving the Player the Ability create they're own Armaments and Armor, like Skyrim, in the World of Zodiah the Player Character will have to seek out Black Smiths and Enchanters or Enchantresses in the...See more


#ProjectZodiah #Plot #Storyline #Dialogue #Zodius --- *This is a rough draft of a Mandatory Set of Single Choice Dialogue Options the Player must have after a Set of Optional Multiple Choice Dialogue Options with the main, "True God," of the World of Zodiah, which comes after the...See more


#ProjectZodiah #MyThoughts #Graphics --- For me, it's not going to be the most important thing that my Game has, "THE BEST GRAPHICS." My top priorities are going to be the questions of... "IS IT FUN TO PLAY??" "IS THE GAME WORLD IMMERSIVE WITH ITS LOCATIONS AND LORE??" And, "IS THE STORY MEMORABLE FOR OUR PLAYERS??" Those are the most important to me. --- https://www.minds.com/groups/profile/1167880078067392512/feed


#ProjectZodiah #Survey --- Just another short Survey, please, if you don't mind. Your Answers will really help make my Game better. Thank you. --- Which do you prefer for an Action-RPG Experience?? - A. Third Person Perspective all the way (think The Legend of Zelda, the Fable...See more

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#ProjectZodiah #Announcement #JobClasses #Genders --- Howdy. So, I have come up with a short list of Gender Locked Job Classes along with their General Job Class equivalents. If you read my previous Post about how I will be implementing a Non-Binary Gender when it comes to...See more


#ProjectZodiah #Announcement #NonBinaryGender #JobClasses --- Howdy. So, some People kinda had a problem with how I said before I would be implementing the Non-Binary Gender in my Game. (Please note, I am not talking about People that have a problem with me implementing the...See more


#ProjectZodiah #Survey --- Another very short Survey if you don't mind please. --- Which would you prefer?? - A. Premade Character Builds with set Genders, Job Classes and Abilities which you could then alter slightly in the ways of Appearance and Stats?? - B. Be able to...See more
