
Speak and pitch your startups. Don't have a startup? Bring you ideas here to discuss with others. Every project mean something. You never know...
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3 questions startups must answer before taking on their largest competitors

In recent years, we’ve seen startups overcome seemingly insurmountable odds to redefine industries that had been stagnant for decades. Three key factors are tilting the balance in favor of emerging players: - The cycle of creative destruction is shorter than ever. Gone are the...See more


How Startups Can Grow Faster With The Cloud?

On top of identifying the most effective solutions and services, it often takes significant developer resources to build, update and deploy new features, which consumes valuable time startups could use instead to get products and services to market faster. Startups often go...See more


What app would you prefer for sound/video conference meet up for this group?


Meet the It is a brand new social network designed to be People's. Follow the growth!

Speak and pitch your startups. Don't have a startup? Bring you ideas here to discuss with others. Every project mean something. You never know...