Solitary Buddha- Paccekabuddha (Pāli: पच्चेकबुद्ध)

This group is an Open Online Sangha that has its philosophic foundation in (Vijñānavāda, विज्ञानवाद) which is the doctrine of (Cittamatra, चित्त मात्र ) Consciousness Only. Each being possesses the source element(Tathāgatagarbha, तथागत गर्भ) this element is the seed of enlightenment. Being solitary seekers we each follow our own path of intuition, insight, and inner wisdom. This path to awakening is called following the (Pratyekabuddhayāna) vehicle of the solitary awakened ones. As we cultivate (Bodhicitta,बोधिचित्त)Enlightenment-mind; this is the mind that strives toward awakening, empathy, and compassion for the benefit of all sentient beings.
Type: All

hats off to whoever's the buddha, now and for all -time! in all directions!


Thai inspired sketch of a Buddha, In the Thai Language, is written all the qualities of an Arhat (อรหันต์:अर्हत्) one who has gained insight into the true nature of existence and has achieved nirvana. #Thailand #Art #philosophy #buddhism #spirituality BLOG:

This group is an Open Online Sangha that has its philosophic foundation in (Vijñānavāda, विज्ञानवाद) which is the doctrine of (Cittamatra, चित्त मात्र ) Consciousness Only. Each being possesses the source element(Tathāgatagarbha, तथागत गर्भ) this element is the seed of enlightenment. Being solitary seekers we each follow our own path of intuition, insight, and inner wisdom. This path to awakening is called following the (Pratyekabuddhayāna) vehicle of the solitary awakened ones. As we cultivate (Bodhicitta,बोधिचित्त)Enlightenment-mind; this is the mind that strives toward awakening, empathy, and compassion for the benefit of all sentient beings.