Jessica Clarity

I'm an educator, but I don't always work in a school. I'm a healer, but I don't work for a hospital. I help people who need clarity in their life, but I'm not a therapist. I take care of my little farm everyday, so I guess I'm a chicken tender. My passions include history, philosophy, military strategy, war machines, and the art of rhetoric. I'm also a spooky political scientist veteran artist writer woman.
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I'm an educator, but I don't always work in a school. I'm a healer, but I don't work for a hospital. I help people who need clarity in their life, but I'm not a therapist. I take care of my little farm everyday, so I guess I'm a chicken tender. My passions include history, philosophy, military strategy, war machines, and the art of rhetoric. I'm also a spooky political scientist veteran artist writer woman.
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