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Decentralized Wearable Devices

joecolernSep 25, 2018, 4:37:14 AM

Greetings to you all readers, in this article i will be discussing what exactly this brand new and pathfinding innovation(Sidera) is all about and i will appreciate your standing by till the end.

Thanks to the world of technology mixed with the innovation of this company making it possible for the success of this platform and standing it out in the wild of Cryptocurrency with its exceptional cutting edge effort, as a corner stone and swift transformation to EVOLVE.

A global mass adoption of the technology determines where and how society does transition to the new state with anew properties and defines how it would be called a few decades later. Time of industrialization, electrification, communication, globalization, Digital Age, New Media Age, etc all characterized by a certain period of time when society undergoes transition from one state where a certain quality or property is not present in the society to another state where the quality appears in the society and shape it to the new state.

Sidera uses unique technology to store securely on the users’ wrist all their cryptocurrencies in a smart manner. Those unique technologies can be identified as,

Bitcoin/ERC-20 Wallet – The funds are stored OFF-CHAIN on users’ wrist, with military grade multi-layered encryption

Wrist-To-Wrist Proximity Transactions – It allows sending or receiving EQS, Bitcoin or any other ERC-20 token through wrist-to-wrist offline transactions.

NFC POS Payments – It builds SmartBit devices with NFC module allowing the users to spend their funds globally in any shop.

Dozens of features – It offers a verity of services such as Mobile notifications, auto-detect transaction address, ghost mode, customize watchfaces, QR generator, price alerts, trading etc...

Secure anti-theft system – The funds will not be stolen since it provides multi-layer security.

Global, scalable, fully decentralized - BitSmart is the completely decentralized, fully secured first hardware wallet that users can carry on their wrist.

The first physical and wearable decentralized exchange is the Continuum which users don’t have to rely on a central authority. Following concepts are there with Continuum.

Intersect – It is the place in which dApps, cryptographic functions and transactions co-exist without weighting down the network

Proof-of-Load Protocol – It measures the state of the network.

Balancers – It balances the network

Present emergence of the blockchain technology, technology of immutable data blocks in decentralized network, manifests a transition from the society based on centralized network structures to the decentralized one. How fast and which way it will happened is fully determined by technological medium or solutions which helps to guide the transition to the mass adoption of the blockchain technology.


Sidera company proposes the path which in my view may indeed be the one. Sidera aims to enable a mass adoption of cryptocurrency introducing retail Point of Sale through smartwatches and contactless smartbands. The concentration around real technology and physical devices is what makes Sidera to stand out among other blockchain project in the crypto space.

The Sidera network plans to provide a free hardware in retail stores of Europian region. The Sidera vision is that the convenience of mobile payments and the simplicity of a smartwatch will boost adoption of cryptocurrency. This rather plausible scenario of cryptocurrency mass adoption. To this end, Sidera started the first Decentralized Wearable Device Project of the world: SmartBit. This device will secure user`s funds around his wrist, keeping it fully encrypted.

Tokens Informations

The internal token of the system is eQUOS. it is used to perform all operations within the system. for its development, the newest technologies and protocols were used. For one American dollar, you can buy 0.5 eQUOS tokens. In total, it is planned to release 15 million of these coins. Tokens will be distributed as follows:

72% of the total number of tokens was allocated for the sale period.

the founders and the development team will receive 15% of the tokens at their disposal.

Cooperation and conclusion of various transactions will have 6% on its account.

mentors and advisers will also receive 3%.

Only 4% of tokens will be deferred to the project reserve.

Our proprietary Blockchain is based on our innovative Proof-of-Load Protocol, which splits the network in two levels: masternodes and micro-nodes. We divided the computational power of the network within the two layers delegating to the micro-nodes level (which is composed by the smartwatches) some of the transactions.

For more detailed information, visit

Website: https://sidera.io/

WhitePaper: https://sidera.io/docs/v1.0/Sidera_Whitepaper.pdf

BitcoinTalk: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=4756894.msg42969261#msg42969261

Telegram: https://t.me/sideraofficial

Twitter: https://twitter.com/siderabc

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/siderablockchain/

Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/company/sidera-blockchain-technologies

Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/user/SideraBlockchain?st=JIRSDIAI&sh=dd548a81

Authorship: joecolern

BTT profile link- https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=2246034