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ICOVO - The World’s First ICO Platform Implementing DAICO

joecolernSep 20, 2018, 7:32:54 PM

Greetings to you all readers, in this article i will be discussing what exactly this brand new and pathfinding innovation is all about and i will appreciate your standing by till the end.

Thanks to the world of technology mixed with the innovation of this company(ICOVO) making it possible for the success of this platform and standing it out in the wild of Cryptocurrency with its exceptional cutting edge effort, as a corner stone and swift transformation to EVOLVE.

ICOVO creates a decentralized platform and application that simplifies the selection of investors and protects their mobile assets through intelligent contracts that allocate the necessary funds for launching the UPS by conducting their ICO as they progress through the road map in stages.

This suddenly occurred thought will allow to create only healthy and promising design intentions, the team can not avoid the collected funds and savings from investors, thereby gaining additional motivation for further development, release and updating. The depositor at each stage will be able to make a decision on the return of own investments.

ICOVO aims to solve this problem by using an autonomously operating system that does not depend on individual expertise. The system is a hybrid of the centralized client-server model and a decentralized P2P model featuring majority consensus. The centralized system is used to increase the transparency of ICO planners and projects. Specifically, this is achieved as planners’ identities are confirmed through ID verification and GitHub updates are quantified and displayed on ICOVO Web to make the actual status of the project more transparent. The decentralized system is used to prevent scams where ICO planners immediately withdraw funds and disappear after token sales. Fraud is prevented through DAICOVO, an implementation of DAICO.

What are the Mission and Vision of ICOVO?

Our mission is for ICOVO to become a global standard for ICO platforms for innovative blockchain-related startups and ICO investors.’ To realize this mission, our vision is to provide a solid ICO foundation, expand the ICO investor base, and improve project continuity after ICOs.

ICOs are in the crux of this ecosystem needed for hatching innovative blockchain-related startups.

ICOVO will encourage a ICO that will earn a future by providing DAICOVO, ICOVO Program and ICOVO Internet. Details are explained below in 3 factors.

1. Boost Guard Investors and ICO Transparency

2. Reduce Barriers for ICO Participation

3. Boost Project Durability

1. Boost ICO Transparency and Guard Investors

We plan to safeguard ICO investors by increasing the transparency of ICO job founders in addition to the jobs and introducing a fundraising management program themselves.

Decentralized Token Management

We’ll create an smart contract comprising the basic idea of management that is nominal of DAICO, DAICOVO.

We’ll present a system which only allows withdrawals in line with the funding requirement of a job’s pre-loaded schedule by means of a Harness system (setting a sum which may be pulled a unit of time). This will prevent programmers from running away with funds that are increased.

In the event an investor finds a issue they can retract.

Decentralized White Paper Versioning

Versioning to get White Paper to not be tampered is handled by InterPlanetary File System (IPFS).

Team Member KYC/AML

ICO project team member’s transparency will be increased by us by offering ICO project team member’s KYC/AML ICOVO site that is on at a method.

Picture Task Situation

By measuring GitHub upgrades and media action on the web site of ICOVO, We’ll boost project transparency.

2. Reduce Barriers for ICO Participation

Produce a greater investment environment and decrease obstacles by the arrangement for data disclosure and the investment procedure to ICO involvement.

Implementing Local Pocket

Implementing a secure wallet that is regional in ICOVO’s first smartphone program that is ICO-specialized, the ICOVO Program helps with comprehension the involvement procedure for tokens that are handling and nominal sales.

Unifying Formats

Summaries and job pages of all whitepapers on the site of ICOVO presents information concisely, which makes it more easy to comprehend for investors. Providing a list of the projects enhances Access.

Slimming labour for KYC

Remove the need for ICO investors to perform whenever to KYC they invest. KYC is performed by them just as ICOVO will share the data when they engage on the ICOVO Program.

3. Boost Project Durability

Sustain project creators’ motivation for boost and product launch job durability by introducing a method in.

Fund acquisition≠Goal

By introducing a method of initial clever contracts implementing DAICOVO where funds can only be removed in accordance with a job’s pre-loaded program by Harness (set a sum which may be withdrawn each unit of time), motivation to complete the job creators.


Download! Get Free Tokens

Wallet supporting ETH/ERC20

Private Key securely stored in the device

Decentralized exchange integrated

ICOVO App version 1.2.0 / January 1, 2019

Voting / Drafting function

DAICOVO (DAICO) interface

ICOVO App version 1.1.0 / September 15, 2018

ICO Dashboard


Whitelist registration

Whitepaper explorer

(versioned with Blockchain + IPFS)

ICOVO App version 1.2.0 / January 1, 2019

ICO Project list

ICOVO App version 1.2.0 / January 1, 2019

Photo ID uploader

ICOVO App version 1.2.0 / January 1, 2019

ICOVO plans to host its own ICO by issuing its OVO tokens from July 2018.

Moreover, all those that register their email address to receive information about ICOs from May 11 will receive ICOVO’s token OVO for free through Airdrop.

ICOVO developers will launch a decentralized platform that can solve most of the problems in this segment, while ICO makers have a real opportunity to promote their projects and find investors.

Web Link : https://icovo.co/

Implement ideas by releasing tokens from different companies

The ICOVO platform allows you to fully develop and launch your own ideas. At the same time, it is possible to design, create and generate tokens. If you use this system, ICOVO - work will be done without charge. This is a great opportunity for those who have understood their ideas, but cannot find opportunities to implement them. All users of the ICOVO platform are protected from fraud, any action in ICOVO is carried out only through intellectual contracts, which guarantee full protection of data and funds.


For more detailed informations, visit:

Website: https://icovo.co

Whitepaper: https://icovo.co/whitepaper/wp_service_en.pdf

Telegram Group: https://t.me/icovoco

Twitter: https://twitter.com/ICOVOCO

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/icovoco/

ANN: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=4468796.msg40076110#msg40076110

Authorship: joecolern

BTT profile link- https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=2246034