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judedon79Sep 25, 2018, 11:55:44 AM

About Pool of Stake (PSK)

Pool of Stake is a decentralized and self-regulated platform where holders of Proof of Stake Coins can come together and stake their coins to the pool so as to participate and benefit in mining 2.0 rewards.

The project was created in response to the recent buzz in crypto mining space where some major players in Blockchain ecosystem including Ethereum are warming up to transit from the use of Proof of Work model to Proof of Stake consensus.

This shift was predicted by experts to be fully implemented in 2019. Pool of Stake, therefore, was created to use the power in pooling resources together to form the biggest force in this new future of forging and mining 2.0. Small miners can perfectly use this platform to achieve their dream and make a passive income as long as his initial stake is still in the system.

How Pool of Stake (PSK) works. (Step by step guide)

• To participate in PSK platform, the participant must have some Proof of Stake coins in his wallet.

• The coin holder (participant) then transfers the PoS coins he wishes to stake to the PSK system.

• The Pool of Stake (PSK) platform automatically generates via smart contract IOU tokens which are transferred back to the participant’s wallet.

• At exactly 23:59:59 hours, rewards of the day’s forging and mining transaction is calculated and then paid to the participant. This reward is a function of how many coins the participant staked.

Pool of Stake Strength

• The platform offers adequate tools which will enable members to track, control and optimize their investment.

• It gives even small miners the opportunity to participate in the PoS forging and benefit from the rewards of the mining.

• IOU token generated by the platform enables members to have full rights and ownership of their coins which they have staked in the pool.

• Rewards from the PSK mining activities are distributed to members who staked coins in the pool on a daily basis which empowers members to be receiving passive income from their investment.

• The platform offers fair and transparent distribution of rewards to members by ensuring rewards distributed are proportional to the PoS coins staked.

• The initial Proof of Stake coins staked by members on Pool of Stake (PSK) platform can be withdrawn by the coin owners, either in whole or in part, free of charge.

• PSK platform will operate a seamless, transparent, and trustless service where users can, at any time, check and verify the status of the pool as well as the collected rewards.

• The platform will ensure security and privacy of members.

• PSK platform will be uninterruptedly online 24/7 forging, keeping the PSK community going, and generating rewards for members.

• It will also harness the innovative technology of blockchain to eliminate third party or any intermediary from the equation.

• PSK Token, which will be the token to power the Pool of Stake platform, is a utility token, ERC 20 compliance and will operate on the Ethereum blockchain. The token can be stored in Ether wallet.


IOU Token generated and issued to members via smart contract when they stake their PoS coins CANNOT be traded. It is to exclusively declare ownership of the initial PoS coins staked in the PSK platform

Only PSK Token can be traded on exchange platforms

Why I should join Pool of Stake (See video below)

Conclusion: Pool of Stake is a project that will empower small miners by giving them a great opportunity of receiving daily passive income on their staked PoS coins. This project will lead the next generation of PoS forging which will be the future of mining. The PSK project is currently on ICO and the ratings are high on all major listing websites. This implies that the prospect of the project is high with promising ROI. I will surely be part of Pool of Stake revolution.

Official Sources of Pool of Stake Project:

Official Website: https://www.poolofstake.io/

Ann Thread: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=3283742.0

Telegram: https://web.telegram.org/#/im?p=@poolofstake

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/poolofstake

Whitepaper: https://www.poolofstake.io/wp-content/uploads/2018/04/Pool_of_Stake_whitepaper.pdf


My Bitcointalk Username: dontigana

My Bitcointalk Profile Link: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=2164200

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