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Ubank launches a new Blockchain based marketplace extension – Ubcoin

judedon79Aug 25, 2018, 2:12:48 AM

PEW Research Center, in 2017, conducted a survey /research on the percentage of people (using America as a case study) either buying or selling goods in online marketplaces and found out that about 75% of Americans patronize e-commerce stores. They also revealed that about 65% of these people make use of mobile phone to either shop or sell while 10% of the people use their computers and laptops. It was concluded that there is a growing demand for the e-mobile marketplace with a huge prospect.

Again, a recent study in the cryptocurrency community has shown that there is a massive growth trend in the use of Cryptocurrency since the creation of blockchain and Bitcoin. According to the study, the current number of cryptocurrency wallets opened by users globally is over 22 million and it was projected that the figure will reach 200million by 2020. Coinbase, the leading Cryptocurrency exchange with coverage of just about 32 countries of the world, has over 13millions active users thereby confirming the growing trend in crypto usage. Looking at the market capitalization of Cryptocurrency which was projected to be about $300billion, it then means that the demand to buy physical goods using cryptocurrency is very high.

Putting together the two above stated facts, it is now clear that the next face of e-commerce would be Blockchain based peer-to-peer marketplace where physical goods can be bought and sold using cryptocurrency as the means of exchange. In order to capture this growing market trend, the founders of Ubank launches a unique marketplace extension called Ubcoin.

Introducing Ubcoin Marketplace

Ubcoin is a decentralized mobile marketplace where people can safely and instantly buy and sell physical goods with the use of Cryptocurrency. It will be like eBay on the blockchain.

Pictorial presentation of How Ubcoin marketplace works

Why you should Join the Ubcoin Revolution

1. Ubcoin’s mother company has been in existence since 2009 and has been successful.

2. The founders and CEO of Ubcoin have already launched 3 other successful projects namely: Navifon, Utalk, and Ubank.

3. Ubcoin is a new feature of Ubank App which already has 5million registered users, over 2.5million monthly active users and over 20 million transactions have been processed by Ubank system.

4. The company can boast of about 56 developers, top management and advisor talents who have been working together since 2009 with wealth of experience in mobile application, software as a service, Blockchain development, etc.

5. Ubcoin has already partnered with some phone giants such as Samsung who has been pre-installing Ubank app in its devices since 2007 in 10 countries.

Ubcoin Partners: They include

1. Samsung

2. Fly

3. Huawei

4. Mastercard

5. Visa

Ubcoin Token Information

Ticker: UBC

Accepted Currency: ETH

Platform: Ethereum

1ETH = 8,000 UBC

Hardcap = 29,000 ETH

Milestone (As at Aug 25th, 2018) = 23,000 ETH

Token sale end date: Aug 27th, 2018.

Token Distribution

Team = 12%

Public Placement ICO =45%

Limited Private Pre-Sale = 5%

Community Rewards = 3%

Bounty Advisors = 4%

Reserve Pool = 31%


For the fact that Ubcoin founders have launched 3 successful projects, there is no doubt that Ubcoin Marketplace, which is a feature of an impressing project – Ubank, will leverage both on the massive Ubank userbase and the experience of the team to become successful too.

For more information on Ubcoin and how to join Ubcoin revolution, please visit any of the links below:

Ubcoin Website

White Paper



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