
You ever hear someone say that when you go through something traumatic, you break like glass, and just like glass, you can glue it all together, but you will never be the same? Well, In White Trash World, we don't have fancy doctors and therapists to help glue all the pieces, so we chuck all the pieces in more trash and then tape it shut, just like a Kaleidoscope. Now I've been told by plenty of people that my experiences make me beautiful, but I can't help but remind me that it's all just garbage piled in garbage.
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You ever hear someone say that when you go through something traumatic, you break like glass, and just like glass, you can glue it all together, but you will never be the same? Well, In White Trash World, we don't have fancy doctors and therapists to help glue all the pieces, so we chuck all the pieces in more trash and then tape it shut, just like a Kaleidoscope. Now I've been told by plenty of people that my experiences make me beautiful, but I can't help but remind me that it's all just garbage piled in garbage.
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