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ICO Review: DeStream

Ka LongSep 30, 2018, 2:41:31 PM

Greetings to the whole community, I am passionate about the crypto coins and a follower of good projects. In this new publication I would like to present the DeStream project. I'm sure you've heard a lot about Blockchain, Bitcoin, Ethereum, Crytocurrencies, ICO ... but DeStream blockchain is the coolest.

What is DeStream?

DeStream Is a decentralized global platform for streaming markets, which allows increased ribbon efficiency, diversifies their activities and ensures the safety of seed capital. The development team creates an innovative platform that will become an ecosystem for streamers. Many ribbons have digital currency wallets, where they can receive donations from cryptocurrencies, but for now, there are no special streaming platforms that facilitate crypto planing. DeStreams wants to be this platform and this will allow not only to create a decentralized streaming platform, where donations are possible with the help of dungeons but also completely free of censorship. And the most interesting is the platform will dramatically reduce the commission charged for donations

How does DeStream Work?

The platform is a unique structure that offers all streaming services with improved interactivity with the viewers. The platform also provides a financial tool used for donations and the payment of services in the ecosystem. The platform also offers an advertising channel that very effective and contains powerful analytical tools, which allows advertisers to automatically select a streamer for their services.

The platform uses smart contract technology to implement the terms of payment. A viewer can be certain that the addressee will get the donations made on the platform. In addition, the streamer will fulfill the accompanying order to the donation, only if the service is made available on the service catalog on the platform. This, in turn, improves transparency of the entire process especially when the action targeted and expected by the viewer doesn't have dual interpretation, has guarantee of performance, and is offered by the streamer.

Information ICO

Public ICO start date: 2018-05-09

Public ICO end date: 2018-06-30

Tokens available (Pre-Sale + Public ICO):6,000,000,000

Name: DeStream

Ticker: DST

Token Type: Stratis

Token Price: 1 DST = 0.006 USD

Available for Token Sale 3,600,000,000 DST (60%)

Soft cap: $5.5mn

Target cap: $9.0mn

Hard cap: $12.0mn

Road Map

For more details on DESTREAM you can check the links below :

Website : https://destream.io

Telegram : https://t.me/DeStreamEN

Facebook : https://facebook.com/destream

Twitter : https://twitter.com/destreamproject

Whitepaper : https://destream.io/media/1101/whitepaper_en.pdf

Thank you all for reading.

Author: Ka Long

Bitcointalk profile: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1704185