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koplakkolapNov 11, 2018, 3:54:35 AM


Hi all friends, Meet one in every of the few firms that have already got an entire purposeful project already in place: BitFXT https://bxtcoin.io/ . it's no secret that the present exchanges have several issues because of that users suffer. Stock exchanges, unhealthy client service, ability to speak with support, as a rule solely in one language, weak market liquidity and insignificant technical design, traders face these issues on a daily basis. With the emergence of BitFXT, of these issues area unit eliminated. BitFXT has created the most important crypto rate in continent, and has quickly simplified, subjection traders' heart with simplicity and stability.

In our opinion, there area unit essentially 2 differing types of change: those fascinated by edict currencies; and solely people who have an interest in encoding. By building additional stress on encoding, we tend to area unit building a hybrid of each. albeit they're little currently, we tend to believe that internet crypto exchange exchanges are quite Fiat-based amendment within the close to future. they'll play associate progressively vital role within the world of finance and that we decision it the new paradigm Bitfxt; Bitcoin - Forex technology. along with your facilitate, Bitfxt can create a fantabulous crypto exchange which will strengthen the longer term of crypto-money finance.


Bitfxt is Associate in Nursing IT firm that develops valuable blockchain software package package. we've got a bent to aim to bring the “blockchain” nearer to the people by building interactive, easy-to-use decentralized solutions which can be merely accessible to anyone.


Peer-to-Peer Transactions

Bitfxt exchange engine is directly person to person and utterly clear

Borderless Payments

Our billfold is borderless and world. It will be utilized by anyone across the world to create and recieve payments.

Strong Security

We square measure CFID insured. we have a tendency to square measure hack proof and that we follow the simplest trade security practices.

Easy funding

You can simply fund your account along with your edict currency victimization mastercard or direct bank transfer


Trade, exchange, recieve, send and store bitcoin dead one app


You can mine BXT coin victimization our coin vault. it’s extremely profitable and straightforward to mine.


Name: BITFXT token

symbol: bxt

decimal number: 8

total offers: 20.000.000

total delivery: 14.000.000

Min. Attendance: 0.01 ETH

soft cover: 2,000 ETH

hard limit: 5,000 ETH

For more information, you can ask questions that are of interest to you in the technical documentation of the project and in the forum or project chat telegrams.

Web: https://bxtcoin.io/

Telegram: https://t.me/joinchat/ESR1eEfViA__xQH2nnqyaw

Ann: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=5038642.0

Bounty: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=5047978

BY : koplakkolap

PROFILE BTT : https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1810222

ETH : 0xB2A307f0c19296146A0Bb69F1FE855f4719A895e