The PX-41CX is a replica of the classic HP-16C programmers calculator. Unlike the Swiss Micros replicas DM41L and DM41X the PX-41CX comes a kit for self assembly which makes the PX-41CX significantly cheaper then the DM41X and slightly cheaper then the DM41L.
Of course this comes with the need to assemble the calculator yourself.
First I soldered all the components in the order suggested by the Assembly instructions:
First challenge are the connectors for the display. I used some masking take to fix the display so nothing would fall apart when manipulating the PXB.
Next step is solder the keys. Like suggested in the assembly instructions I used the front panel to adjust the key. Again I used masking tape to fix all component for easy handling. Once finished and with display and keys connected I also did the first function test.
The last step is fitting the calculator to it's case. Just like the PX16C there is very little headspace between PCS and the back panel so I opted to use the same strategy:
I'm quite satisfied with the build. Having a physical replica is so much nicer then Android or PC emulators. There is something about real buttons which makes calculations that much nicer. The colourful front panel with key caps if the PX-41CX are that much better looking then then the PX41C. Alas for twice the price.
To be fair, the Swiss Micros DM41X looks even more proffesional. Alas for twice the price.
I consider the PX-41CX the sweet spot between the cheaper PX41C and the more expensive DM41X.