Recently, there has been much talk about a secession of states… but that idea should set off MASSIVE alarms in your head. It is setting ourselves up for an ultimate ambush. Allow me a few moments to explain why…
While analytics performed by ex-military analysts have shown the red states would HANDS DOWN win in a civil war, they neglected to include the UN variable. The UN and their NWO have their spindly tentacles sunk into many of our border states. In liberal heaven New York, Governor Andrew Cuomo has been doing everything in his power for years to drive as many conservatives from the state as possible. He has LITERALLY said, “We don’t want you here”. He has kept the rural upstate portions of the state close to destitute. They do everything they can to keep big businesses out and prefer as many of their inhabitants on welfare, or close to it. Conservatives have been fleeing the state in droves for years now, and the upstate region population is dwindling… and that is all by design.
Similarly, back in California [circa early 1990’s], Rosa Koire, now a retired forensic commercial real estate appraiser specializing in eminent domain valuation, began to notice victims of wildfires were being prevented from rebuilding on their land in certain areas. Many of those properties were suddenly being seized by eminent domain and being reclassified as historical land sites, while the property owners were being herded further inland. In the years that have followed, Conservatives have fled California faster than they have New York. Now, in both states, it is not uncommon for liberals, conservatives, and everyone in between, to seek relocation further inland where sovereignty still reigns and the Constitution is still revered. Note the locations of the other states with similar government structure and almost identical legislative actions restricting individual, parental and medical rights. Make no mistake… WE ARE BEING HERDED INLAND.
A civil war, unaided by the UN, might very well be easily won by our Patriot states, true. It beginning to seem like we may find just how accurate those analytics were. But if those border states were to actually secede, those poisonous UN tentacles would without doubt yank resources and bodies from overseas where other countries who have happily sold out their citizens and signed onto Agenda 2030 for Sustainable Development, are standing by eagerly, waiting to help. It is unquestionable the UN would send reinforcements to attack from the border states they pretty much already occupy and control. They want our land, they want our bodies and they want complete control. To assume for one moment they would not pounce on us with everything they have once we are corralled in the middle and they have full, unfettered access to our border states is sheer stupidity. Their success depends on either the cooperation or conquering of the United States. The UN and global elite cannot succeed without the United Sates, and the United States will cease to exist with their success.
The ONLY way to secure our Republic and save our nation is through our Constitution and the Rule of Law. I mean the REAL Rule of Law. NOT the bullshit inverted version Soros’ Open Society Foundations created by funneling $25.9M into in 2016, (43.7% of their yearly budget); $29.6M into in 2017, (33.7% of their yearly budget); $26.8M into in 2018, (32.7% of their yearly budget); $23.5M into in 2019, (30.2% of their yearly budget); and $28.1M into in 2020, (38% of their yearly budget).
We have no choice but to go directly after the government level traitors who permitted the UN elite to infiltrate our home. The high officials in the radical left states who turned on our country and handed control over to the UN; and the ones squatting over in the red states too. They all need to be removed and tried for treason, and crimes against humanity. The global elite puppeteering the marionettes in any way tied to the election fraud need to be tried for the same. The whole lot of them need to go, and their assets need to be seized as per the 2018 Executive Order. The people who were brought here illegally to infiltrate our country need to go. You know, all the people sent to NY for Cuomo to let in, then give drivers licenses to under the fictitious guise of caring about them; only to change the voter registration laws 2 weeks later, so all they needed was that license to register to vote.
Anyone in media who perpetrated these crimes against humanity need to go as well, so the REAL journalists can rise up once again. (Oh, and while they're at it, they need to burn Hollywood to the fucking ground.) We need to take back the curriculum in our schools with the 1776 Initiative. It is going to take DECADES to undo the ideological subversion that has poisoned our country from the inside since AT LEAST the 60s.
We need to abolish the Incorporated United States. The Federal Reserve has to go and it can take the illegal income tax with it. The money seized from the scoundrels who rigged our elections, as per the EO, needs to be redistributed to the people. We need to go back to a place where families can exist without both parents working 80 hours a week so they don’t have to rely on the school systems for childcare, leaving our kids vulnerable to government & other predators. We need to oust the puppet representatives who have taken advantage of our never-ending entrapment on this rat wheel we have been stuck on and WE need to be the ones who need to replace them; NOT more career politicians. That is how WE take back our Republic and make sure this can NEVER HAPPEN AGAIN. The PEOPLE need to take responsibility b/c this is OUR fault. WE are the ones who let evil perpetuate and run wild b/c WE were too busy to be bothered… so WE have to fuckin fix it.
Promoting or advocating secession is a defeatist move. It’s giving up, because it’s easier to just write off the states that have been poisoned most severely, than it is work to help bring them back to the land of the living. But just like our current position falls on the shoulders of all of us, so too does the responsibility of healing our nation. Taking the easy way out once AGAIN, means through all this, even the most aware have learned NOTHING. It means the Patriot who was stabbed in the street in DC tonight by Antifa could have stayed home with his family. Choosing to shun our responsibility to our country out of selfishness and inconvenience, once AGAIN, will ultimately lead to our demise… and heartbreakingly enough, we will be deserving of it.
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