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Antifa extremists and Merkel‘s CDU Party side on side at demonstration

MannikoJan 10, 2020, 2:21:49 PM

Germanys policial turn to the far-left

The signs are clear. In Germany, political culture has made a strong turn to the left. In recent years, Merkel‘s nominally classic liberal-conservativ CDU party already gave up multiple conservative positions and moved to the left side of the politicial spetrum. It left a large gap which was filled mainly by the upstart AfD, which originally has been founded as opposition to the bail-out regime by the European Central Bank.

How far the formerly conservative CDU has moved to the left could be recently wittnessed on a demonstration in the town of Salzgitter. There, the local AfD party wanted to hold a party event, which was accompanied by a demonstration by far-left groups like labor unions and the youth organizations of the Green party and Die Linke, which is former Eastern Germany‘s Communist party. The ideological difference between these groups are small and have a large common denominator: Anti-fascism as in Antifa, the losely organized group engaging in violent left-wing extremist activism.

A new level in Salzgitter

A novelty on the the anti-AfD protest in Salzgitter compared to the past is that not only Stalinist flags could be seen among the protesters, but also CDU flags as the cover image of a local news report from Salzgitter shows.

This marks new level and is the first prove not only how far-left the CDU moved politically, but what mentality the younger generation party has given the fact that protesters of such demonstrations are mostly 20-somethings.

Equally disturbing is the fact that Antifa itself appears to have no problem anymore with „conservative“ people on their side. The past shows that even sympathetic groups towards a cause or a demonstration have been attacked by left-wing extremists when they didn‘t like them. The mere sharing of a particular interest is not enough for Germany‘s contemporary extremists on the left. It‘s either all or nothing.

Salzgitter now shows us that Antifa made its peace with the CDU. Something, that a few years was unthinkable. But now, it appears as if they now see the party as their ally on their quest of destroying the system.

German Antifa defending Merkel and the „pig system“?!

Already before, there were signs that something has changed in the relation between the CDU and Antifa. For example, two years ago, there was an Anti-Merkel demonstration helt in Hamburg. In a rather strange twist, Antifa activists decided to block the demonstration, turning them effectively into Pro-Merkel protestors.

Another recent example for Antifa taking not the role as protestors against the „capitalist/fascist pig system“, as they tend to phrase it, but in defense of it was a demonstration in Cologne against the regional public broadcaster WDR. The protest against WDR was sparked by a controversial children‘s song in which a chorus of small children were made singing „my grandma is an eco pig“.

The spontaneous demonstration, which was framed by the mainstream media as „far-right“, was met by Antifa counter-protestors. In this case too, Antifa appeared as defender of the status-quo. On top, mainstream news reports about the demonstration mentioned violence, but failed to report that the violence was between Antifa and the police while protestors against WDR were not involved in the clashes.

Left-wing extremism omnipresent in Germany‘s media landscape

In December Hans-Georg Maaßen, former head of Germany‘s inland secret service Verfassungsschutz, stated in a TV interview that there is evidence pointing to close connections between violent left-wing extremist scene and the public broadcasting system. There are several examples with with employees of public broadcasters wearing Antifa shirts on the job.

Maaßen has recently been fired by Merkel follwing an incident in the town of Chemnitz. Merkel along with the mainstream media claimed about this incident that far-right Germans were „hunting migrants“, while the information about the incident came from Antifa activists. Maaßen publicly disagreed with Merkel and stated that there is no evidence for this. Sooon after he got fired for this statement.

But it is not only the public media which seems to have been infiltrated by left-wing extremists. Private outlets like Die Zeit are affected too. With Sören Kohlhuber, the paper had to fire its journalists following the G20 summit in Hamburg in 2017. During the summit, there were massive riots by Antifa activists from all over Europe. Kohlhuber apparently functioned as an organizer for Antifa thugs and was responsible for the hunt by Antifa groups against the journalists Luke Rudkowski, Max Bachmann, Lauren Southern and Tim Pool.