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Analyzing How to start as an Author with Kim Cameron

martingray_jsonMar 28, 2023, 8:39:56 AM

This phrase is defined differently by several people. It can encompass anyone, from those who only desire to be writers to those who have traditionally published authors full-time. However, the author is defined as follows by some steps:

You want to incorporate "author" into your identity at its heart. You consistently publish books. Others could add that authors should be posted through established or independent channels. The definition is correct, and it is a significant obstacle. If you consider publishing part of your definition, self-publishing makes it simple to publish a book. Thus, it is still relatively easy.

Authors like Kim Cameron have made a name for themselves through multiple creative solutions. Kim Cameron is a dynamic deep house artist with two Top 20 Billboard chart appearances. She has performed all over the world on tour. 

Over the past 14+ years, she has performed for the NFL twice (Giants, Redskins), National League once (Marlins Baseball), and numerous other prestigious international music festivals, including Xiamen Music Festival in China, Dubrovnik Wave Festival in Croatia, and Komen's for a Cure in Miami.

Kim started as a radio host for an FM station as part of her Broadcast Journalism major before switching to writing for the National Examiner and the Smithsonian. She is the author of the Seaper Powers children's book series, which has earned numerous literary honors.

So here we provide some valuable tips to start as an author from the mind of the coveted author Kim Cameron.


1. Develop Habits

The likelihood that you will improve your ability is significantly better if you have good creative habits. Also, there is a substantially lower likelihood that you will finish a book. So, you want to establish a consistent writing habit. Some folks may advise you to write each day. Although it shouldn't be done every day, is that sound advice? That needs to be expected.

2. Make Blogs and Short Posts

Although not necessary, this is a wise recommendation. Reading a novel first is like learning to run by finishing a marathon. There are methods to better ease into it. You can start and finish a project quickly with a short tale or blog post, allowing you to apply your learnings to your subsequent assignments.

3. Explore multiple different Genres

Even if you are sure of the genre you want to write in, it might be beneficial to experiment with a few others. You might discover that you like writing in a new genre more than anticipated. Along with experience, you'll learn the conventions of many genres.

Overall, writing in many genres may be an enlightening experience. To write numerous short stories in various genres, I suggest combining this advice with the one before it. To learn more about each genre, you may also write blog posts on its multiple conventions and tropes.

4. Write more Frequently 

Even if you are convinced of the genre you want to write in, you should still try out a few others. You might find that writing in a different genre appeals more than you thought. You'll gain knowledge of many genre norms in addition to experience.

In conclusion, writing in various genres may be a wonderfully eye-opening experience. I recommend combining this tip with the one before it if you want to write several short tales in different genres. You can also make blog posts about each genre's numerous conventions and tropes to learn more about each.