Since the antifa movement is now in Japan, after what they've done in Berkeley, Portland, Washington D.C., Paris, and Hamburg, after they've made it clear that they want to use terrorism to silence any right wing populists, conservatives, nationalists, and anyone to the right of Ellen Degeneres and Karl Marx; it's clear what we should all do about this movement that wants to see us submit while the leftist media, liberal hollywood, the silicon valley giants, and other leftists from all over the world who've devalued terms such as "nazi," "fascist," and "racist" to smear people like us and are therefore complicit in the rise of far left terror across the world. There is only one way to destroy the rise of far left terror for good before this plague spreads any further, and that is smash the reds. At this point it's not even so much about free speech anymore as it is now about survival, the survival of each of our country's identities, cultures, honor, and perhaps our way of life considering that even leftist SJWs like Shaun King, Dennis Riley, among possibly many of those who read and buy into garbage far left media outlets like Buzzfeed, Salon, and Occupy Democrats who don't care about, provide excuses for, normalize, and openly support far left/alt left terror groups like this whole ANTIFA movement and repeat such alt left rhetoric about "no nazis, no kkk, no fascist USA," "punch a nazi," and "bash the fash." I don't think the horseshoe theory needs to applied to this case, ever since Brexit happened, before and after Trump became the US president, and the growing rise of nationalism and right wing populism across western civilization, on top with the growing resentment towards globalism, it's been clear who the real fascists are in this case, you can tell by their very behavior, it's these far left extremists like these kooky SJWs who blindly support terrorist groups in the name of fighting "fascism" and promoting social...