Why do leftists have hysterical fits when confronted with reality? The "Demoralization" brain washing has been completed on them. They are forever lost to social justice and identity politics because they have been conditioned to attack reason and evidence. They are not irrational they are Anti-Rational by design. They are the brainwashed shock troops of the leftist onslaught. Much as the famed Japanese WWII troops and Kamikaze pilots were, or the radicalized Islamic suicide attack "martyrs". They desperately want a war. Either world war 3 or a civil war. They want a crisis under which they can usurp power. They are so close to that end now that they taste it. That is why everywhere we look it appears the crazies are coming out of the woodwork. This will be another Killing Fields, Holocaust, purge, ethnic cleansing, night of long knives, revolution that will make the atrocities of the 20th century pale into historical trivialities. What to do to counter this: Family, community, ethnic, national pride. It short do exactly the opposite of everything the media, academics and politicians are calling for. The choice is ours: Be called a racist or fascist for defending your cultural values OR Have a hot civil war complete with mass murder and political assassination.
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