WHITE MAGIC AND THE PASSAGE TO THE OTHER EARTH We have said that the Hitlerists had rediscovered the basis of that Spiritual Science and other technology.This could only have occurred if they had found the Gral (Grail), that Stone of the Cathars of the Pyrenees, that Stone of the Templars and Visigoths, the Stone which fell down to Hyperborea and where Initiates of Esoteric Hitlerism were able to decipher its message, inaugurating El Cordon Dorado, the Golden Thread of Magic and of Celestial Power. The Initiates of Esoteric Hitlerism are incorporated into El Cordon Dorado (the Golden Thread) which teaches a Spiritual Science and are of a"Circle of the Uncreated Light" which is above all matter and overcomes all Terrestrial and material force of gravity and is beyond the material world. They will immediately enter into a parallel Earth leaving behind all ambitions and the three-dimensional world to continue the war in another dimension. It is the deciphered message of Luciferian Love and Beauty and the Light of the Morning Star.It is the power that will come to save all our heroes and those that remain Loyal and stay on the right path at the very moment when we think all is lost. “The Last Battalion” will enter into combat at a higher energy vibration when the destruction of our planet becomes inevitable. For the Cathars the God of this Involuted Earth was the Demiurge Jehovah-Yahweh, the “Prince of Slavery” who will become the slave. He will intermingle with his acolytes in a complete world of slaves. According to the traditional formulae, this Low Rabbi, the creator of the Golem, will disappear with his Creator and Creation into the frightful hollowness of the Cosmic Catastrophe. On the 13th of February 1945 in Berlin Hitler stated: "If I win this war it will be the end of the Jewish Empire and of Jewish World Control, but if I lose the war the Jewish victory will be of short duration” According to Colonel Bird, Rudolph Hess stated in his trial in Nuremburg: “There...
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