Once Germany was conquered in the Second World War the Jews had won their promised land; a geographical point on the astral earth. Esoteric Hitlerism contends that the Jews have falsified a myth that belongs to the Aryans, the promised land of Hyperborea, the Polar Thule, where the exact point exists to exit the earth to other planets of our origin. Since we must return according to laws of spiritual evolution and through the preservation of our race, we will do this by the power of ‘Vril.’ There are those who believe that these myths are purely symbolic and that everything we have talked about so far such as the hollow earth, fair temperature, white men, women with magical powers, Agartha, Shamballah, the Grail, are only symbols within our own beings that guide our evolution. Remember this earth cannot survive the Kaliyuga Age without the help of divine men and beings on this earth. Therefore there is a spiritual change, which comes first on the astral level then a physical change on this earth. Both are necessary. It is a grave mistake for the Jews to appropriate the land of the Palestinians and then to say that it is the promised land. This act on an astral level has caused a catastrophe for the future of the people on Earth. The Jews have stolen the Golden Apple from the Aryan Gods and the Aryan Gods will have their vengeance.