The National Socialist struggle against international Jewry took, in broad day-light, the form of a tremendous holy war against Marxism — the latest large-scale Movement “in Time” — and, in a much subtler and indirect manner, yet, with equal deadly determination, that of a relentless action against all spiritual or pseudo-spiritual, open or secret organisations equally “in Time,” the influence of which is, in fact, no less than that of Marxism, directed against any attempt at an Aryan regeneration “against Time.” It took place and will, one day, be resumed — for no “denazi-fication” policy can hinder the play of the invisible Forces — with the necessary Dark Age methods. War against Marxism seemed and still seems to be — and no doubt is, in the practical field, — the first task of National Socialism, only because Marxism represents, to-day, the most immediate menace; because it is the most successful brand of the old, very old Jewish mass-poison for Goyyims’ consumption, intended to bring about the decay of all races, the end of all true nationalisms, and the limitless in crease of a Jew-ridden humanity of poorer and poorer quality in a duller and duller — uglier and uglier — world; in one word, the consummation of the downfall of Life upon this planet. Which does not mean to say that other brands of the same, the effects of which are less obvious, less rapid, are not, in the long run, just as dangerous, if not even more so.

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