Adolf Hitler’s whole constructive policy — all he did to give manual as well as intellectual work the dignity of happy, dedicated service, and to make every labourer’s life a h ealthy, self-respecting and interesting one; all he did for the welfare of mothers and children; all he did for the cultivation of bodily efficiency and qualities of character in boys and girls, from the age of six onwards, in the different sections of the beautifully organised pan-Germanic Youth Associations — the famous Hitler Youth and the B.D.M.— and then, at the age of sixteen, in the squads of the Labour Service for six months (or more) and in further bodies preparing them to the privilege of becoming worthy citizens of the proud new Reich; all he did, on one hand through the admirable Nüremberg Laws (1935) and, on the other, through the most active encouragement of early marriages and of joyfully consented racial selection, to raise sexual relations from the shameful status of “an amusement” or of a drudgery or of a “business,” back to that of the dispassionate duty of the healthy and pure-blooded towards their race, in honour, innocence and joy; all that, I may, nay, the whole structure of the National Socialist State — its very existence — had one aim and one alone: to breed, out of the best Germans, a nation of supermen in the Nietzschean sense of the word; a nation of “heroes like unto the gods,” to repeat the words of Homer. And, as I said before, the Führer pursued “that aim not just because the Germans were his people, but because his, more-than-political, nay, more-than-human insight pointed them out to him as the only people sufficiently pure-blooded and, at the same time, sufficiently militant to be the saviours of the Aryan race, here and now, in its present-day emergency, and to become the instruments of its regen-eration and survival, beyond the stormy end of our Time-cycle.

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