Nobody wanted peace more than Adolf Hitler. Nobody needed peace more than he. He needed it in order to consolidate and to extend his great work; in order to allow the under-standable but nevertheless somewhat alarming differences. in outlook between the old German ruling classes and ruling: bodies — the nobility and the wealthy higher middle class; the “intelligenzia”; the Churches; but specially the General Staff, of Prussian tradition (entirely or nearly entirely re-cruited among the old, land-owning nobility) — on one hand, and the Reichsleiters and Gauleiters and, in general, the leading men of the New Order, on the other, slowly to die out, and a synthesis of the best of all German national forces to take place under the Sign of the Swastika; he needed it to secure the: undisturbed growth of a healthy and uncom-promising new generation of men and women — fighters and mothers — born and brought up in the glorious National Socialist atmosphere and. devoted, without any reservations whatsoever, to his ideals; to enable himself to continue car-rying out his admirable social programme and — without them hardly becoming conscious of the change — gradually inducing the German people to accept the ethical and, one should add, in the deeper sense of the word, the religious revolution that National Socialism represents in this country: the return to racial i.e., natural, values and, in general, to that life-centred wisdom which the new doctrine implies, after one and a half thousand years of man-centred, equa- litarian, anti-natural and anti-national Judeo-Christian superstition. He needed peace in order to bring, slowly, but irresistibly, into existence, under the leadership of the regenerate German Reich, the Greater Reich comprising all people of Germanic blood and ultimately all people of Aryan blood, in and outside Europe, and to remould the whole world according to the principle of the God-ordained hierarchy of races and of the rule of the best.