I am not an academic, so if you are expecting some peer reviewed, cited, and yawn inducing prose you may want to go elsewhere. I have a BA in Poli Sci, but if we are all being honest, no one cares. The subject I am covering in this blog is even being beaten to death by many other people far more intelligent and qualified than I. All our opinions are equally unique and special snowflakes though, right? I will try to keep this brief though and do my best to only sound like a somewhat low rent conglomeration of Pete Quinones, Michael Malice, Curtis Yarvin, Bird, and Aaron from TLE. That subject is, of course, the necessity of secession.
To me this matter seems quite simple. Even from the Cathedral's point of view one would think that breaking up the country would be much less of a headache than trying to inspire unity with over 70 million people that view every action you take as completely illegitimate (I agree with them for entirely different reasons). Of course this would entirely miss the point that the Cathedral wants those people, and people like me, dead but they will settle for submission. The subjugation of 260 million is great, but 330 million even better. It is really simple math. It does beg the question though, do our elites know something we do not? It seems like the height of out of touch arrogance to assume they can make this happen, but they seem so sure of themselves. No matter how much power one has though you can not just ignore 70 million people, and even in a 1776 situation three percent is still over two million. This really spells out the underlying issue though, historically, American conservatives are absolute pussies when it comes to standing up for their principles.
MAGA is not conservatism though, and this begs the question, how far is MAGA willing to go now that their figurehead has so clearly thrown them under the bus? Are most of the MAGA people honest enough with themselves to recognize that that is what Trump did?
The Cathedral's recent purge though does point out quite clearly though, there are at the very least two entirely different societies within this country, and very likely a whole lot more than that. Before anyone gets all anarcho-purist on me I am working with the information as I see it, not how I want it to be. I am rather firmly of the opinion that civil conflict of some form is going to heat up quite a bit in the coming year, the real question is can any of the sides recognize the necessity of a breakup before things get completely catastrophic. I wish I could dispense a white pill for you right now, but all the pills left in my bottle have a decidedly darker hue.
Above all the Cathedral wants control. They will do whatever is necessary to keep that, and I do mean whatever they view as necessary. This is about the point where you may ask, “Nate, surely not here?” Yes, I do mean here, and I do mean cattle cars and camps, or whatever the 21st century equivalent is. All jokes about FEMA camps aside, come one people, do you really think they will actually call them “concentration camps?” The problem is they view their point of view as completely morally inviolate. The MAGA people, in many ways, view their cause as just as pure. Where does one find room for common ground and unity among groups with different values and entirely different visions for the future? You don't.
Here is my appeal to all sides then, secession is the path to peace and friendship. It will not be immediately, but with a bit of time the bitterness will soften, and all our differences will make us much beloved but odd cousins who have each others backs in troubled times. One needs only to look to the United States historical relationship with England. Time healed the wounds of secession. Unfortunately the realist in me recognizes that the Cathedral will never let go of that portion of their power willingly. Of all the things I hope I am wrong about, this is going to be towards the top of that list.
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