...ctivity If you can't (or refuse to) discern reality objectively as it is, then you can't discern what your behavior objectively represents. There is no objective Standard of right vs. wrong behavior. Whatever gets you to you goal is right for you; whatever prevents you from getting there is wrong for you. Everyone makes up whatever is right or wrong based on their own perceptions, desires, likes, etc. Everyone has their own standards; we don't agree on what is right or wrong. "There is no objective morality” means “/ have the freedom to do whatever i want based on my way of seeing things." In a conflict Of competing desires, the winner is usually the physically strongest, be it individually or collectively. Any individual or group that has the power to eradicate a whole ethnicity or region of peoples has the “right”; that’s “right” for them so they can just do it. They are the “authority”, have the power, get to determine what is right or wrong, and that’s just as valid as another who says the opposite. What makes the difference is who has more power to make it happen in reality by having the most people to support them and enact their will as reality. “Morality is an arbitrary construct that we humans create. There is no actual objective morality that is external to us from the natural world. There is no higher authority than humans.” Taking on the position of being the “authority” over others is based on how much unjust force (violence) one can exert over others to impose their version of “morality”, and control them. Government is the current leader in unjust force as a monopoly on violence. It's “moral” to do something at one location or time, but “immoral” at another location or time. Rulers/Masters get to make up “rights” and what is morally “right” or “wrong”. Those with power (“lawmakers” acting as “Gods”) in one area disagree with those in power in another area, inventing inconsistent and contradictory rules. Moral relativism of believing rights and morality come from humans means you believe morality can mean whatever anyone wants, which is a contradiction in violation of the law of non-contradiction, making it a belief in something that is unreal. True, correct and right rules of conduct are consistent across time and space. Playing rock music is immoral in one region, while it’s allowed in others. Carrying a firearm is moral in one region, but not in another. These arbiters of morality arbitrarily decide what is right or wrong. Government and voting is a competition between deluded people who want to control others. Voting is seeking rulers/masters and demanding others live by their will, all based in the force of fear consciousness, the dark side as allegorized in Star Wars. Those with power (“authorities”) get to make up what's right or wrong and impose that vision onto everyone else. They have the might of the state (monopoly on violence), so they get to decide what's “right” to do (might makes right). Moral relativism is the path to Satanism and other flavors of control like fascism, Nazism, communism, Marxism or socialism. For moral relativists, the power to impose will is what determines whose opinion has more validity. Though we might not demonstrably know where real/true morality comes from, we can know that it doesn’t come from humans making it up. It’s discoverable objectively from reality itself, not our inner reality making it up. Objective morality is the higher authority (above our individual self-authority) as a guide for our choices and subsequent behaviors. We aren't the arbiter of moral truth who gets to create it from our whims, opinions or preference, or what we're comfortable enough to accept as “true”, and seek to control others to bend them to our will. But we can respond to unjust force (violence) with just force. Moral truth is not subjectively declared, decreed or invented. Moral truth is objectively known. If what any human Says is in alignment with morality, then it's a reference to moral truth, not inventing it. They only repeat what's true. If not aligned, then they oppose moral truth, and are trying to make up rules for others to live by, which no one has a moral duty to obey or follow. Either way, no human has authority to invent what is moral. All we can do is discover and repeat the moral truth for others to verify and understand themselves. It's odd how some people want to believe that moral right and wrong is simply decided by anyone according to their own criteria: there is no objective measurement in reality tied to their evaluation of moral behavior. Smoking cannabis or ingesting alcohol was “immoral” at one time and then suddenly it’s “moral” later. That's foolish inconsistency and contradiction. Is it moral to smoke cannabis? Yes. Is it moral to drink alcohol? Yes. Is it moral to carry a firearm? Yes. You own your actions and are responsible for them. If you initiate harm after listening to music, carrying a firearm, smoking cannabis or drinking alcohol, it doesn't make those initial actions immoral. Only the actual immoral action is immoral. Any immoral action that happens after other moral actions don't retroactively make the initial moral action immoral. Moral Relativism - Imagine Whatever You Want to Be Right or Wrong: - Rights are invented; a man-made construct. - Right/wrong, moral/immoral: based on preference, wants, whims, desires. - Right/wrong, moral/immoral: change from time, location, person, culture. - Make a wrong into a “right”, make a right into a “wrong”. - Denial/rejection of objective moral/immoral behavior = no true conscience. - Inability to accurately choose right over wrong behavior. - Inability to contribute to creating true freedom. - Anti-freedom, pro-slavery; “want freedom” but legitimizing enslavement. - Path to slavery, authoritarianism and tyranny, of masters ruling slaves. - Contributes to creating an enslaved society. - Supports, condones and perpetuates a system of violence. - Moral licensing: immorality is OK if some good is done as a result (e.g. taxation). - Moral credit: banking good deeds to justify withdrawals as evil deeds; net neutral or net positive “moral” goal (e.g. pedo or eugenic-philanthropists). Objective detachment from yourself is required to honestly understand and choose right from wrong. Choices don't determine what morality actually is. Morality must be known to know what to do. We can evaluate if what we're doing is right or wrong, then choose the right over the wrong. Belief in Immoralities You have a right to entertain ideas and thoughts about things. That’s how to come to know right vs. wrong. But no one has a right to believe immoral wrongs are a moral right, to believe you or anyone else has the right to do, support or condone you or others doing violence. You don’t have a right to believe slavery is legitimate, acceptable or should/needs to be supported. Believing in government/authority is believing in the legitimacy of Slavery. It’s not legitimate and you don't have a right to believe otherwise. This is wrong thinking that wants immorality to exist, which makes you immoral. Wanting immorality (even if you're ignorant of it being immoral), makes you immoral. Thoughts that conclude an immoral wrong is right, make one immoral. Emotions that feel good about immoral wrongs, make one immoral (and probably a psychopath). Actions that are immoral wrongs, make one immoral. Inaction in speaking out to end the aggregate immoral condition in public works is a lesser immorality, as it’s not advocating for violence/evil/slavery. Passive Immoralities - BELIEF, IGNORANCE, APATHY, COWARDICE, LAZINESS Believing that an immorality is a “right” to do makes you immoral because it informs your behavior to do that yourself or support others to do it. It’s advocating for your belief to be true, correct, right, lived by and created into reality. Ignorance, apathy, cowardice or laziness of what is moral/immoral creates behavior that goes against morality, and makes you immoral. lgnorance of objective morality means doing or condoning immorality. Right = “wrong”, wrong = “right”. Govt = “right”. Voting = “right”. Not being stolen from (taxes) = “wrong”. If you know objective morality, but you don't care (apathy) about wrongs, then you either do or condone wrongs. If you care (don’t want wrongs), but are cowardly or lazy, then you don't act to stop doing it or stop condoning wrongs. Maybe you have outright dark care to want to do wrongs you know are wrong. Being truly Good is exposing the system of control/slavery via knowledge of the causal conditions of consciousness that create it, and teaches moral truth to correct that condition, not simply exposing the effects of individual wrongs that were or are being committed. IGNORANCE IS EVIL People who don't understand the objective difference between right and wrong are doing wrong to others (directly/indirectly). The ancient Egyptian proverb of "ignorance Is evil" is about being a purveyor of evil without knowing it. Your ignorance of objective morality is creating wrongs by your own hand, or by Supporting and wanting the wrongs of others (e.g. government), acting as a destroyer of freedom. Your ignorance of morality is enslaving others, as you walk on the checkerboard floor unable to truly distinguish between right or wrong, further participating in the propagation of evil being created. Ignorance of objective morality affects yourself and others. For the self, you don't know if your contributing to evil, so it persists. For others, you don't know nor are able to recognize the evil being done by others and therefore you can't ever work to stop that evil, so it persists in others. This ignorance leads to seeing immorality as moral, and not caring about actual immorality. Modalities of thought that condone violence are wrongs. Not caring that violence is being done to others is a wrong. PASSIVE COMPLICITY WITH EVIL Like a drop in a stream, you are moved along with the current. Like being stuck in the middle of a charging herd in a valley heading towards a cliff, you go where the herd goes. You are part of the stream or herd, and feed into it’s force, strength and momentum going in the direction it does. To change the direction of the aggregate stream/herd, the only option is influencing others to change their direction the herd is going in. Not doing so is accepting to go with the flow, being part of perpetuating the current condition of enslavement/evil. Not doing the Great Work to end evil/slavery, is essentially saying you want more of it because you're not lifting a finger to end it. If you actually wanted to end it, you would do the Great Work, or work on yourself to eventually do it. Most people don't have the definitive knowledge that they are being enslaved, and most don’t want to hear or know that they are. Rejecting that awareness and responsibility shows the mental slavery (thrall) they are in; to not care for moral truth or even to care enough about themselves (self-loathing) to learn about their enslavement. If you Know and do nothing, you're more complicit. ALL IN THIS TOGETHER We are all in this together, in one overall current. While some drops of water may splash around, the overall current of water (humanity) is flowing in the direction set by the majority of individual drops. Dy default, each person is pushed by the flow/current, and is in turn giving strength to the flow/current. Changing the direction of the current condition/flow requires a significant majority of individuals to alter course, to behave differently. Influencing others towards moral truth and moral behavior is required to change the directional flow and condition of humanity. To abolish the immoral system of enslavement, more people need to acquire moral knowledge, and use their free will to say no/stop doing the immorality they do, or Supporting immorality that others are doing. Even then, we are coerced into supporting immorality (various taxes) against our free will. A majority using their will to not do would lead to greater non-compliance and the erosion due to the decreasing support in the legitimacy of the enslavement system known as government. Society is currently a system of enslavement. The ignorant are keeping everyone enslaved. We're bound to slavery by ignorance. The current condition normalizes/standardizes immorality, conditioning people to tolerate, accept, Support and want it as a life. Two overall groups form, with 2 subsets in each. 1) GO WITH THE FLOW OF EVIL: a) Support/want what currently is. Use your free will to support the current condition, want it to continue e.g. voting/tax duty/honor; working within the system of authority; preserve system. b) Speak in support of it; let it be. Don't do anything significant to correct the core underlying foundation of the enslavement, support lesser evil to keep it all going round and round; do nothing e.g. vote for “change”; economic/political “reform”; rebel/revolution for a variation of the same: belief in authority. 2) WORK TO CHANGE/STOP THE EVIL: a) Don't support/want it (individual change). Use your free will to not support it, pull your Support in various Ways you can e.g. not voting; not working for government; create more independent life; personal freedom (but can’t remove all support) b) Speak out against it (universal change). Work to change the flow/condition, inform others of their enslavement, how to end it: i) the immoral instances; e.g. exposing the deception/immorality of people/events ii) the underlying causal factors of consciousness that make it this way and how to change it through moral education. The wisdom of right-action is teaching to try to get others out of 1), into 2), and then to do 3), so that the collective condition can change. It’s the hardest work to engage in, but the only way aggregate enslavement and evil will truly end. Work to change the collective immoral condition by influencing others to be moral through moral education. Actively working to change the aggregate flow, path or way by reaching a critical mass, a quantum (quantity) Shift. It’s all about getting numbers of morally aligned people for the current to shift. MORAL RESPONSIBILITY Everyone's first moral responsibility is to not do actions that inherently initiate harm. That’s the first obligation and duty. Stop doing evil. Our second moral responsibility is to do something in the manner of ending evil by making people aware of the problem of immorality, to learn objective morality, not participate in immorality, and then themselves engage in that teaching to others: - Speak truth to end falsity; i.e., the Great Work. - Make the ending of slavery your personal responsibility. - Personally care that you're a slave to want to take On that responsibility. - The majority are in the consciousness of fear, ignorance, apathy, cowardice and/or laziness, and are keeping those in the consciousness of Love, Knowledge, Care, Courage and the Wisdom of Right-Action enslaved. - The only way to have True Freedom is through moral education to end the aggregate slave system that the majority accept and sustain. You are the only one responsible for your actions. You author your life, you own your free will choices and actions. Accepting the external authority of others is to have their will author your life. Exercising Conscience is choosing the right over the wrong, embodying True Sovereignty. True Sovereignty comes from putting objective morality above you as the only legitimate authority to guide your life according to. Choosing to go against your responsibility to objective moral authority has you violate the sovereignty of others, failing True Sovereignty. MORAL SOCIETY An aggregately moral society is possible. It won't just happen by itself. We can make it happen. Will we make it happen? The persistent immorality of societal enslavement will remain until we ageregately evolve consciousness. The belief in the legitimacy of authority to rule others is the greatest barrier to True Freedom. This belief needs to be recognized as immoral and abolished. The goal of True Freedom requires moral education, an arduous task to be undertaken as a moral responsibility and duty by all who at least care enough about themselves to want to be truly free by living morally. Individuals must awaken their care for truth, especially Moral Truth with True Care, to the point where they become activated in teaching morality. When the majority deeply understand objective morality and live it, uniting to maintain true justice against injustice, then we will live in a moral society and truly be free. MA`AT SYMBOLISM Concept of truth, justice, law, integrity, uprightness, correctness, righteousness, Steadfast, unalterable, reality, order, Stability, continuity, equilibrium, balance, measurement, reciprocity, authenticity. Personified names: Ma, Maet, Maht, Maut, Ammas, Maat, Ma’at, Mait, Mayet, Mut Greek goddesses: Metis, Dike, Themis. MA`A Concept of right, true, real, genuine, upright, righteous, just, authentic Morality, Karma/Kamma/Ka-maa, Dharma, Rta/Rota, Tao/Dao, Wyrd, Moira, Me, Asha. APOPHASIS from apo (away from) + phemi (to speak) - to speak away from. - denial, negation. - arriving at knowledge by statements of denial. Arrive at knowledge by the exclusion of known negatives. Know what something is not in order to know more what it is; i.e., affirmation through negation. ‘Once you eliminate the impossible, whatever remains, no matter how improbable, must be the truth. - Sherclock Holmes APOPHASIS: NO TO EVIL Say “no” to evil/immorality, which brings you to say “yes” to morality. Stop cooperating with the dark force of authority, coercion, control, domination & predation. The “yes men” order-followers are serving the dark force. Don't Support them, nor the system of authority and control that violates your rights. Let go of the desire to control and dominate out of fear, violating rights for a paycheck. Care about the wrongs being done more than the relationship to those you know who are doing the wrongs. “No” is a powerful word that demonstrates the power of the negative. The whole problem is all of us together not saying no to Ourselves creating evil (Sacred Feminine), or others creating evil and not defending (Sacred Masculine) that position aggregately, together. The solution is mostly not about new things, it's about stopping to do wrong things, the morally negative things. Negation of the immoral action, as inaction, is how the immorality stops from being created. APOLOGY from apo (away from) + logos (word, speech) - away from word/speech - negate prior words/speech Apology: take back, negate; say no to what you did; not affirm it as acceptable, retract; affirm/admit wrong. “I was wrong” Like apophasis, an apology is saying ‘no’, not a continuing to say ‘yes’ or affirm what you said or did. Continue: https://thegreatwork208716197.wordpress.com/2024/12/16/bound-to-morality-by-reason/ The-Great-Work: https://thegreatwork208716197.wordpress.com Minds: https://www.minds.com/MindCom/?referrer=MindCom Mewe: https://mewe.com/the_great_work.82 Substack: https://thegreatwork.substack.com Gab: https://gab.com/SovereignLightWarrior Librti: https://librti.com/The-Great-Work The-Great-Work:Telegram-channel: https://t.me/the_greatwork BTS:Telegram: https://t.me/break_the_spell_group BTS:Mewe: https://mewe.com/join/breakthespell1 BTS:Minds: https://www.minds.com/group/777125552996753423.