Long story short, my friend and I was having beef with someone accusing us of "harassing" us, all because I said that while I like the person's video, I didn't music said person's picked. It lasted over a week, the person wanted a truce by removing each other's video, block each other, and cut ties altogether(which the last one seemed pointless, since we never had a contact to begin with prior to the comment I posted). I never did the first two things the person suggested, but I decided to leave that person alone, since I already tried to reason with that person, and failed, because that person never listened(please message me if you're curious to know more, since I wanted this comment section to be more about the picture rather than my little argument). And so, in order to cope with it and get over the drama, I decided to read the second volume of With the Light(my favorite manga), listen to love songs, and draw my OTP. It seems that most fans overlook the idea that Sonic might be a tsundere towards Amy, I mean think about it. One minute he seems uncomfortable being with Amy(Amy's first appearance in both Sonic Riders and Zero Gravity, the victory cutscene at the Sochi 2014 Olympic Winter Game, and putting them together in Sonic Advance 3), but then the next, he does whatever it takes to save and protect her(Zero Gravity, Unleashed, Adventure 2), even complimenting her from time to time(Sonic the Werehog's talk after defeating the Dark Guardian boss in Unleashed). Hence why I drew Sonic as a Tsundere, since I prefer male tsunderes over the females. The most difficult part to create was the background. I didn't want another artwork to have a transparency(as easy as it seems), so I used this tutorial made by aquasixio http://aquasixio.deviantart.com/art/Tutorial-17-A-turtle-walkthrough-345468329 So yeah, another artwork I tried as a experimental work. My only problem with this is that I either made Amy too short, and gave Sonic legs that are too long. Oh well, I tri...