Qiaianaa - SPIRIT MENTOR - a reincarnation of QuaYin & Queen of Egypt Hatshepsut
Contact only by phone: 0034621216209
Qiaianaa - SPIRIT MENTOR - a reincarnation of QuaYin & Queen of Egypt Hatshepsut
Contact only by phone: 0034621216209
-----DONATIONS for my SPIRITUAL JOB dedicated to the Earth---
Recipient: Paulina Lech
Address: Calle el Sauce 9, 38670 Costa Adeje, Santa Cruz de Tenerife
Transfer title: DONATION HEALING
IBAN: ES83 3058 0990 2627 5795 3448
#HappynessNewWorld #StopedNWOnowRESETglobal21122020RRRR #meditation #LoveMeditation #SpiritMentor #Mentor #FOREVERfriendsANDloveANDpeaceANDfoodFOReveryoneFOREVERneverENDINGnaturalHARMONY #Mentora #rememberes #membership #memory #always #forever #Qiai #RESET #NewMultiUniversoCosmoMonadis21122020RRRR
#MoskalikPaulina #PaulinaMoskalik #PaulinaLech #LechPaulina #SpiritualCoach #MentoraPaulina #QuaYin #Qiai #Hatshepsut #Qiaianaa #goddess #CosmicGoddnessQiai #members #SweetMeditation #medytacja #meditation #LoveMeditation #SpiritualMentor #Mentor #Mentors #Mentora #rememberes #membership #memory #always #forever #Qiai #memory #forever