Anthony “Da Orks iz da Bestest Evah!” Greene

Geek, techie, Gamer, mad cat owner. Older dude. Feel free to enjoy my adventures against the monsters of Diabetes, and Weight Loss. Talks 40k a lot, loves OG Star Wars, Star Trek, but hates their modern interpretations. Sick of all this political crap. I just wanted to play video games damnit. Pronouns: Fuck/Off Greenskin for Life
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Geek, techie, Gamer, mad cat owner. Older dude. Feel free to enjoy my adventures against the monsters of Diabetes, and Weight Loss. Talks 40k a lot, loves OG Star Wars, Star Trek, but hates their modern interpretations. Sick of all this political crap. I just wanted to play video games damnit. Pronouns: Fuck/Off Greenskin for Life