Sorry friends for the delayed (or lack of) interactions lately. I do value your comments & interactions and will be reviewing all of them as time permits. However lately PP's been busy spinning up some processes to create a printing press of sorts. The printing press changed the world and so too can it's more modern incarnations.
The Democrats are always talking about how you just need to learn to code. Fine, let's learn to code. How about some simple coding that will help you defeat them and the elites of all stripes?
This has already begun with the simple scripts showcased in Script Shack. As these scripts have been put into use, useful feedback has been acquired and tweaks made. I'll be adding a few additions to the shack in the near future to leverage the variety of archives (Clippings, Comments, Posts, Quotes, etc) more effectively.
Because of the uniform formatting within each archive type we can more easily convert our existing content into something more complex. This has already been showcased by the various blog posts I have put up. However, we can also easily convert this content into even more complex forms like a book. So once the initial kinks have been ironed out expect to see this process added to the Script Shack as well.
As I like to offer concrete examples of what is possible (and it provides some test content for R&D on the scripts) there's two books currently working their way through various stages of the creation pipeline. One will be a simple collection of previously posted blogs and another will be an entirely new creation (though avid readers of PP will notice some repeat clips & commentary) focused on the manipulation of the masses beginning with the work of Edward Bernays though primarily focusing on the consequences & derivatives of his actions as they impact us today.
While I may be discussing more national/global issues the idea here is to really enable the easy creation of pieces of local focused content to enhance the creation of local culture outside the control & influence of mainstream institutions. For example, a simple digital newspaper could be created, and then disseminated in a decentralized manner in a format viewable on nearly any device. And of course it doesn't have to be decentralized. It all depends on your topics of discussion and your perceived risk of censorship or other forms of retaliation. If you're discussing the great deeds done to build up your community you probably don't need to be too worried. But if you're keeping an eye on the doings of the local or regional elites...well maybe you'll go for the less centralized route.
A book is a concentrated package of knowledge, wisdom, or information. An ebook is harder to censor than many other forms of modern information exchange. A social media account & its entire history created over years can be purged in an instant. A digital book on the other hand can be burned and then quickly reappear in its exact same form.
I hope by now at least the outline of a pattern of behavior has become visible: I have no real desire to preach a vision of a better world for you to subscribe to. I want to craft some tools and offer up opportunities which you can use to figure out what YOU think a better world might look like. If I've done my job right you can absolutely use these tools to successfully implement things that I don't even agree with.
"The best of us try to think outside our world, but none of us can fully escape it."
--Allen Stratton
With that in mind, you can see how this still is not an entirely selfless act. Hold the sainthood nominations. In the end I wish to use your creations in an attempt to think outside my own world.