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PP NewsBrief: 2021-02-17

Professor PopulistFeb 17, 2021, 4:18:24 PM

We need to begin to reclaim control over the institutions which have such oversized roles in our lives. As you read this people work tirelessly to see to it that you are dumb and docile. Let's stop them.


California’s Multibillionaires Intend to Conquer the World

"To understand what the establishment, of which Biden is a mere figurehead, has in mind for America, we must first understand California. This is where the “reset” has advanced the furthest, in a series of shifts that began well before the COVID-19 pandemic provided the excuse to massively accelerate the process.

At the heart of these shifts was an epic cultural transformation. Californians, apart from a sizable and growing minority, now support massive reductions to their quality of life that are meant, supposedly, to assist in the fight against racism and climate change. So thorough is their indoctrination that they do not merely support these “resets,” but militantly oppose anyone who disagrees with them.

While California’s demographics are often cited as the factor most responsible for its transformed culture, this is misleading if not wholly inaccurate. It is true that California’s population is now entirely multiethnic. Only 25 percent of high school age Californians are non-Hispanic white. In the general population, Hispanics are 39 percent of the population, whites are 37 percent, Asians are 15 percent, blacks are six percent, and four percent are multiracial. But if its ethnic makeup is responsible for California’s politics, why is it that the most powerful political influencers in the state are all white?

The reality in California, as in the rest of America, is that nonwhites are being used by whites to advance a specific set of policies. They are being conned in the same manner, and for the same reasons, that white voters are being conned.

California’s political economy is designed to serve an oligarchy that obscures its self-interest and secures its popular support via rhetoric designed to divide the races and foment panic over climate change. It is rhetoric invented by whites and designed to consolidate the political and economic power of an oligarchy that is predominately white.

For these reasons, the cultural transformation in California that embraces radical anti-racist and radical environmentalist ideology cannot be attributed to California’s ethnic composition. That is a myth. Abandoning that myth is the first step toward turning the tide. To believe ethnic transformation means inevitable support for these radical policies is to succumb to the manipulative race-centric narrative."


Report: National Guard To Stay In DC ‘Through Fall 2021

"The email was written by Robert Salesses who is covering the duties of Assistant Secretary of Defense for Homeland Defense and Global Security.

It states:

“If it’s not possible to sustain at the current level with NG personnel, we need to establish the number of NG personnel (DCNG and out-of-state) we can sustain for an extended period – at least through Fall 2021 – and understand additional options for providing DoD support, to include use of reserve personnel, as well as active component.

While troops were expected to stay in DC for the duration of the impeachment sideshow, owing to “security concerns,” it now appears that they will remain even longer.

The Pentagon has confirmed that there are still around 6000 National Guard troops in DC. While there have been indications that the number will be reduced to 5000 within a month, there have been no other indications of when troops will be stood down.

There is also no indication of when the huge razor wire topped security fencing will be removed from around Capitol Hill."

They just need to get close enough to the midterms to argue that they need to remain for the duration of the election cycle. Then after the elections they'll claim it's necessary while tensions dissipate. Of course that is just a stall to get them close enough to the next presidential election cycle...and well I'm sure you see the pattern by now...


Charges dropped against Amy Cooper, aka 'Central Park Karen', after she was made to attend ‘racial equality psychoeducation’

"Amy Cooper, the New Yorker branded ‘Central Park Karen’ by the media following a dispute with a black birdwatcher, has had misdemeanor charges against her dropped after being made to attend “psychoeducation” for “racial equality.”

Cooper had been charged with making a false police report after she dramatically called 911 on birdwatcher Christian Cooper and claimed he was “threatening” her “life” during a heated dispute, after he had told her to leash her dog in Central Park's Ramble area – where dogs are required to be leashed – on May 25 last year.

A judge on Tuesday “granted Manhattan prosecutors' request to toss Cooper's case after she completed five therapy sessions” that focused on racial equality, the New York Post reported.

Cooper was sent to a “Critical Therapy Center,” where she received “psychoeducation and therapy services” focusing on how she “could appreciate that racial identities shape our lives but [that] we cannot use them to harm ourselves or others,” Assistant District Attorney Joan Illuzzi-Orbon said during the hearing."

I'm sure a reeducation franchise will be springing up near you soon enough.


Co-author of activist toolkit arrested in India after it was accidentally revealed by Greta Thunberg

"A 21-year-old climate change activist was arrested by Indian police in the city of Bangalore for helping create and spread a social media “toolkit” for the farmers’ protest. Indian authorities are keen on suppressing the farmers’ protest, which has been going on for over two months, and arresting those involved in the January 26 violent riot that resulted in one death and hundreds injured.

The Cyber Cell unit of the Delhi Police arrested Disha Ravi, a 21-year-old climate change activist. The police alleged that Ravi helped create and spread the “toolkit Google doc,” about the farmers’ riot.

“In connection with a case regarding the investigation into the criminal conspiracy related to the toolkit document, Disha Ravi has been arrested from Bangalore.

“She was one of the editors of the toolkit Google Doc and a key conspirator in the document’s formulation and dissemination,” Delhi Police said in a statement.

A toolkit is a document specifically created to explain an issue, and what people can do to address it. That could include information on protests, petitions, etc. The toolkit that led to Ravi’s arrest hit the headlines on February 5 after it was accidentally shared by Greta Thunberg, a Swedish climate change activist who was secretly being prepped on how to respond and what to say about the protest. Thunberg was supposed to take cues from the toolkit and promote their message, not share the toolkit itself."

Let's not be too hard on Little Greta. After all, up until this point she's been a mascot for causes backed by Big Green which doesn't require good OPSEC. It's only when you're actually challenging big governments and corporations and NGOs that you need to be cautious.


The Reshaping of Global Agriculture: The WEF Agenda Behind India’s Modi Government’s “Farm Reform”

"In September, 2020 in a rushed Parliamentary voice vote, rather than a duly-registered formal vote, and reportedly with no prior consultation with Indian farmer unions or organizations, the government of Prime Minister Narenda Modi passed three new laws radically deregulating India’s agriculture. That has sparked months of national farmer protest and nationwide strikes.The protests which are spreading across all India, demands repeal of the three laws.

In effect the laws end restrictions on large corporations’ buying land and stockpiling commodities to control farmer prices. They also allow large multinational businesses to bypass local or regional state markets where farmers’ produce is normally sold at guaranteed prices, and allows business to strike direct deals with farmers. This all will result in the ruin of an estimated tens millions of marginal or smallholder farmers and small middlemen in India’s fragile food chain.

The new Modi laws are measures the IMF and World Bank have been demanding since the early 1990s to bring Indian agriculture and farming into the corporate agribusiness model pioneered in the USA by the Rockefeller Foundation decades ago.Until now no Indian government has been willing to attack the farmers, the country’s largest population group, many of whom are on tiny plots or bare subsistence. Modi’s argument is that by changing the present system, Indian farmers could “double” income by 2022, an unproven,dubious claim. It allows corporations to buy farm land for the first time nationally so large companies, food processing firms, and exporters can invest in the farm sector.Against them a small farmer has no chance. Who’s behind the radical push? Here we find the WEF and the Gates Foundation’s radical globalized agriculture agenda."


The UK’s chilling “non-crime hate incident” law is as bad as it sounds and completely useless

"In 2014, the UK introduced the logging of “non-crime hate incidents.” Data shows that more than 120,000 of such incidents have been recorded with many of them related to reports about online comments.

However, data shows that this Orwellian-sounding type of incidents have never once helped stop a crime. Not even once.

Supporters of the authoritarian law say it helps “measure tensions effectively and to prevent serious hostility and violence.” They also argue that recording these incidents is the first step towards tackling the escalating process of “dehumanization and ultimately murder.”

These non-crime hate incidents logs remain on someone’s records for six years, often in secret.

And since they are technically not crimes, an “offender” does not have legal ground to appeal.

The law’s guidelines were recently updated to include even lower barriers to entry such as “ill-will, spite, contempt, prejudice, unfriendliness, antagonism, resentment, and dislike,” as hate incidents.

Also, now the law applies to school-going children."


Georgia House Flirts With Bill to Ban Zuckerberg-Funded Private Donations for Federal State, Local Election Administration

"Georgia state representative Joseph Gullet introduced a bill to the Georgia House of Representatives that would ban private funding for the administration of federal, state and local elections to combat any outside influence and meddling.

As reported by Breitbart’s Michael Patrick Leahy, this practice was initiated by none other than Mark Zuckerberg and his wife, who made a whopping $419.5 million in contributions to non-profit organizations during the 2020 election cycle: $350 million to the “Safe Elections Project at the Center for Technology and Civic Life and $69.5 million to the Center for Election Innovation and Research.

Keep in mind, Mark Zuckerberg is co-founder and CEO of Facebook. Big Tech takeover?

The money went toward elections staffing, absentee ballot postage costs, equipment, voter outreach and personal protective gear.

These donations, Leahy reports, played a key role in the outcome of the 2020 election, particularly in five key battleground states: Georgia, Arizona, Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania.

“The 2020 presidential election witnessed an unprecedented and coordinated public-private partnership to improperly influence the 2020 presidential election on behalf of one particular candidate and party,” Amistad Project Director Phill Kline wrote in a report.

“Funded by hundreds of millions of dollars from Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg and other high-tech interests, activist organizations created a two-tiered election system that treated voters differently depending on whether they lived in Democrat or Republican strongholds.”

You don't even need actual voter fraud (but we got that too!) to show that the 2020 elections are absolutely illegitimate. No private entity, ever, in any way shape or form should be able to provide funding for running elections. Which means this bill doesn't go far enough.


What the RNC Doesn’t Want You to Know

"The November 2020 Election left many in the Trump movement feeling helpless. Many think the election was stolen from President Trump and are now feeling powerless to change things sufficiently to elect the people who represent their needs. However, Schultz says that, in many ways, feeling powerless and clueless is exactly what the Republican National Committee (RNC) wants voters to feel. The RNC has made it their job to hide the ways everyday Americans can effect change with relatively minimal commitment and time. Referencing the barrage of emails and junk-mail the RNC sends out, Schultz says, “The RNC really wants your money, but they do not want you to know where the real power lies.”


Right now, says Schultz, “there are around 200,000 vacant slots for Precinct Committeemen.” The RNC doesn’t want you to know that, though. Schultz believes that we need to make sure those 200,000 spots are occupied by solid conservatives who respect and follow the constitution. However, working with the RNC’s existing structure and its tools is the fastest way to transform the Republican Party. Schultz says that if “three-tenths of one percent (200,000) of Trump voters filled those spots, they could take over the party. We would guarantee better people getting elected in the 2022 primaries and general election, and by 2024 we would reclaim the House, the Senate, and Presidency votes are being counted properly.”"


History museum hides 19th century exhibit because display is 'painful to witness' for people of color

"A Pittsburgh museum has hidden an iconic exhibit that portrays what appears to be an Arab man dressed in African wardrobe engaged in conflict with lions, because the 19th century display is "painful to witness" for people of color, perpetuates their "dehumanization," and desensitizes viewers to racial violence.

A fight for survival is captured in the famous "Lion Attacking a Dromedary" diorama at the Carnegie Museum of Natural Science, which encases an aggressive encounter between two lions and the subject seated on his one-humped camel. Fear is shown on the man's face while the dromedary appears to be in anguish. A ferocious male lion is seen in attack mode as another female lion lies dead.

The 154-year-old taxidermy piece has disturbed several community members because the historical diorama depicts physical violence against the so-called Arab courier in clothing derived from at least five separate North African cultures."

Lions are the original racists. They've been murdering black people for thousands of years.


The Narrative and Its Discontents

"Human history in two sentences: in pre-modern times, material goods were hard to come by, but small communities offered kinship and their traditions made the world meaningful and comprehensible. Today, physical comforts are plentiful, but belonging and sense-making are scarce.

Belonging and sense-making are made of the same raw material: stories. And shared stories are what bring any group larger than a family together, be it “Brazilians,” “Buddhists,” or “Beliebers.” Stories build a shared reality that in turn frames how we interpret the world in our own minds. A story that illuminates reality and unites people will create both belonging and meaning. And thus, all humans converged collectively on the truest possible story of the world and themselves, and lived happily ever after.

Wait, that’s not what happened. So what happened?

One of the things that happened to stories was memetics. Stories proliferate or decline based on their own Darwinian logic. They may reproduce if they are funny, or if they flatter the listener, or if they are set to a catchy tune. Consider my simplified story of history: isn’t it pleasing in its symmetry? Doesn’t “both eras had their benefits and challenges” sound like something a sophisticated person would say? But memetics isn’t inherently hostile to truth and unity. It produces Harambe, not Lysenkoism. Stories, like Soviet agronomists, are corrupted by power.

If only stories bring societies together, those who tell the stories get to rule them."


NASCAR Implements Multiple ‘Social Justice’-Themed Changes to New Season

"In addition to the institutional changes made by Phelps, Wallace has signed numerous sponsorship deals with corporations such as DoorDash, McDonald’s, and Dr. Pepper, that will feature racially-themed commercials to promote the Black Lives Matter message and Black History Month."

At least two of those three sponsors are responsible for more lost black lives than the police.