
"The secret to salvation is simply this- what happens to you, you do unto yourself." "We build our souls every day of our lives." I am pro-women yet anti-feminist; pro free market and anti-corporatist; pro-republic and anti-socialist; anti-SJW but have compassion for the poor souls. I am pro-child which means simply this: If you touch a child in any way that is not loving, kind and nurturing, you go to jail. And this also means I am pro-life. I adhere to principles of governance as expressed in the Constitution of the United States of America. I believe in open dialogue, civil disagreements and questioning authority-always. I plan on using this channel to contribute ideas, spread ideas generated by members and promote free speech. "The truth shall set you free"
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"The secret to salvation is simply this- what happens to you, you do unto yourself." "We build our souls every day of our lives." I am pro-women yet anti-feminist; pro free market and anti-corporatist; pro-republic and anti-socialist; anti-SJW but have compassion for the poor souls. I am pro-child which means simply this: If you touch a child in any way that is not loving, kind and nurturing, you go to jail. And this also means I am pro-life. I adhere to principles of governance as expressed in the Constitution of the United States of America. I believe in open dialogue, civil disagreements and questioning authority-always. I plan on using this channel to contribute ideas, spread ideas generated by members and promote free speech. "The truth shall set you free"