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psalmyblinksMay 1, 2019, 8:43:22 PM


Today, we’re witnessing a new cycle of marketplace development with the emergence of blockchain technology. Disrupting nearly every industry, the blockchain provides new opportunities for marketplaces, changing how we make transactions online and in our everyday lives. If your business manages a marketplace, then I suggest considering how blockchain technology will impact marketplaces."

 Allforcrypto аllоwѕ users tо buу аnd ѕеll items for bitcoin and аltсоinѕ, perfect mоnеу, аnd wеbmоnеу. Their vеrу оwn escrow service аnd the indереndеnt coinpayments escrow, whiсh uѕеrѕ саn uѕе аlѕо if thеу wish, assures the security of payments and merchandise or service quality.

Here is a video presentation to spice the project up a little.


The Allforcrypto.com is the main sort of shopping site that has had the capacity to enable distinctive customers to buy different things on the platform with up to around 60 cryptographic forms of money. The merchants on the platform are likewise ready to sell their things consistently simply like eBay however at lower charges and a superior platform that can secure against misrepresentation.

The AllForCrypto group does not acknowledge some other types of instalment, for example, bank exchanges and charge cards because of the probability of misrepresentation with respect to the purchaser. Along these lines, the merchant is as secure as the purchaser, which isn’t the situation with locales like, for instance, eBay.

The platform has a rundown of things you can buy; this is from garments, advanced products, adornments, PCs and embellishments, telephone and frill just to give some examples. The platform has a rundown of things that you can buy considerably more easily. With the blockchain innovation behind internet shopping, be guaranteed you are utilizing the best innovation while doing your shopping. In addition, the capacity to utilize your crypto coins to buy different things then this is certainly the eventual fate of web-based shopping.

The AllForCrypto system is conditional and independent escrow, which users can use at their discretion to ensure the security of payments and goods, as well as their quality of service. Since AllForCrypto is also the main cryptocurrency market, the system uses the available means of protection provided by these payment systems. Payments in bitcoin , litecoin or any other altcoinsare protected from fraud thanks to blockchain technology.



No more chargebacks

No compelling reason to stress over deceitful chargebacks. Since we just acknowledge non-chargebackable installment alternatives, issues for sellers are a relic of days gone by.

Advance your items easily

They have introduced the best in class in online networking sharing innovation on our website. Promote your items with a couple of snaps of a catch to any semblance of Facebook and Twitter

Low dealers expenses

Allforcrypto has the absolute most reduced commercial center charges on the net. Why waste time with any semblance of eBay and Amazon who can energize to 15 % of a deal in the event that you incorporate PayPal cut too. With allforcrypto there are no shrouded expenses. It’s allowed to rundown and we just charge a 5% commission. just in the event that you make a deal, obviously, AFCT token holders who hold a specific sum will get a rebate on commission


Low costs

With our low charges for dealers, sellers will most likely pass on reserve funds to their clients, and this implies lower costs for the purchaser.


Be secured when you make a buy with our escrow. Assets are bolted away for 30 days until you affirm that you have gotten the merchandise you requested and are content with the item.

Spend that crypto

At last a spot for all you crypto lovers to spend your crypto. All things considered use crypto like it was proposed. Presently you can spend however much you might want.


Token Sales will depend on the possibility of their use through purchases. The cost of the AFCTtoken on the platform will not decrease, so owners of tokens can be confident of its value.





40% Recruiting Staff

35% of ICO Marketing

10% Website Development

10% legal

5% Escrow

ICO Fund

50% Marketing and Promotion

Reserve 23% + Exchange

20% of operations

5% Website Development

2% legal

The AllForCrypto model is completely based on commission payments.

AllForCryptoplatform will charge a fee of 5% for each transaction. Although at the same time, discounts for both buyers and sellers, as well as bonuses will be available for promotion through tokens. All basic forms of encryption will be accepted, as well as encryption for the token itself. Buyers and sellers will be able to hold tokens, trade them on exchanges or use them on the platform.



To be a part of this incredible project. Download the whitepaper for the full scoop.

Till next time…

For more information, please visit:

Website: https://allforcrypto.org/

Whitepaper: https://allforcrypto.org/whitepaper/

Bounty BTT: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=4997584

ANN: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=5025093.0

Twitter: https://twitter.com/allforcrypto1/

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/allforcrypto.org/

Telegram: https://t.me/allforcryptoICO/

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCkaPabBEwJDL8MNw_BOiCtQ/

Author: psalmyblinks

BitcoinTalk profile link: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=2522636