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Modern Racism and The Left

Patriots SoapboxMar 11, 2019, 1:51:05 PM

By: Sara Johnson 

Have you been told that whites are privileged and that whites are inherently racist because they are privileged? Does that sound like a negative stereotype to you? Are white people innately all one negative thing? It should sound racist, because it is. It implies that whites have a genetic character flaw of hate. It rationalizes the Left’s hatred and discrimination against whites in the name of preferences for non-whites. It’s no different than the days when the Democrat Party operated the Klu Klux Klan and created its race doctrines naming black people, inherently criminal. They used that racial stereotype to rationalize segregation and their abuse of black people. Today they use the racial stereotype against whites to rationalize more inequality and racial separation. If you have noticed the Left’s modern day racial hate doctrines against white people, you are pardoned for musing that, with the Left, the more things change, the more they stay the same.

The question is: why does the Left continue use race to keep people separate in fear and hatred of one another? Do they use racism for power? The answer is the way to power against a society of people is to divide them in order to conquer them. The Left has the intention of conquering the independence and constitutional freedom of America in order to replace it with global socialism/communism. America has emerged as a successful nation based on the history of all Americans, despite any differences, to work together in good faith, to preserve our individual freedoms and constitutional institutions. Americans would only reject individual freedom, as laid out in the Bill of Rights, when that good faith morphs into envy, hate, and fear of each other. Together we are strong; divided we fall. The global Left aims for America to fall and they use racism and identity politics to this end.

A famous American saying which has grown out of living the Bill of Rights in our society is “although I disagree with what you say, I will fight to the death to protect your right to say it.” Another way of saying this is “where we go one, we go all.” Americans know that without freedom of speech we can not be free to carry on our democratic republic. It is central to the power of the people to speak our own truth to power. That is just one vital freedom that is woven into American society and makes us united for the common cause and identity of equality and freedom. Every one of the individual rights enumerated in the constitution is woven into our society and is vital to our unity, wealth and freedom. Whether we understand the constitution or not, it’s the basis of our freedom and wealth which attracts immigrants to America. Whenever we hear the elite talk disparagingly against the constitution or any part of the constitution or our national sovereignty to support global power, we must resist! It means more power for the national and global elite and less power for the American people.

So, what should Americans do to defeat the tactic of hatred and division for power used by the global Left? We should do what we have always done with racism – confront it’s basic false premise that the color of skin defines our character and meaning. It goes without saying that all black people were never criminals and, likewise, not all white people are privileged and racist. We are not all one thing based upon color as the racists proclaim. We are a people from nations around the world, united for the American freedom and sovereignty that creates our social morality, peace and wealth. Freedom, unity and equality makes America the “shining city on the hill”, for all people to see.