March 24, 2019
By: Sara Johnson
The Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) is a political activist left-wing non-profit center that aids governments, corporations and law enforcement groups across the nation to identify groups and individuals SPLC has determined are haters. According to SPLC, hate exists on the right in family-oriented Christian organizations and various activist groups like the Center for Immigrant Studies and Oath Keepers but does not exist, according to their Congressional testimony, in violent leftist groups such as Antifa (antifascists) who violently attack President Trump’s supporters and Students for Justice in Palestine who advocate for the murder of Jews. Mr. Cohen, former President of SPLC, claimed “We condemn groups like Antifa, we write about them often. We just don’t list them as hate groups.” The standards of what constitutes real terrorism or even real hate in America has become arbitrary and political thanks to SPLC and its leftist supporters.
SPLC has its stinky fingers in many aspects of American life but the one area that affects the Left’s political opposition the most is SPLC’s influence on social media internet corporations. Facebook, You Tube (Google) and Twitter have all adopted SPLC’s defamatory guidelines for defining “hate” on the internet. SPLC’s political and social enemies are harmed economically (due to a loss in You Tube ads) and politically and socially when their voices are silenced and the views on their accounts adversely manipulated diminishing their popularity and the scope of their influence. According to USA Today Representative Devin Nunes is currently suing Twitter for “shadow banning” (i.e.; manipulating) his Twitter political posts. Dunes claims "Twitter knew the defamation was (and is) happening. Twitter let it happen because Twitter had (and has) a political agenda and motive," the legal briefing states. "Twitter allowed (and allows) its platform to serve as a portal of defamation in order to undermine public confidence in (Nunes) and to benefit his opponents and opponents of the Republican Party." This unjustified and hateful social and political discrimination is extremely stressful for targeted users while the real guilty parties to crime and hate operate untouched in social media. This disrespects our republican democracy and our Constitution. These massive corporations (some would name illegal monopolies) are disrespecting our American basic rights of free speech.
According to the American Policy Center, SPLC has contracts with the Federal government, (Department of Justice and the Department of Homeland Security) to define a terrorist or hate group(s). The DHS issued a report claiming right wing extremists were anyone who is concerned about the economy, had antagonism toward the Obama administration and who opposes the UN. In addition, all Ron Paul voters were classified as domestic terrorists. The American Policy Center claims the report was mostly written by SPLC. In addition, in 2010 Homeland Security “educated” law enforcement agencies across the county on how to counter terrorist groups targeted by SPLC. This smear of many innocent people and groups gave an excuse for American law enforcement to militarize their local forces. As a result America “progressed” from targeting Islamic terrorism to targeting conservative Americans as potential terrorists.
This kind of governmental political censorship will sound familiar to you if you know history. On January l, 2018, Germany began enforcing a new political censorship campaign against globalist enemies of the state. Social media companies were ordered to block any online criminal offenses such as libel, slander, defamation or incitement and report complaints of those offenses to the German government within 24 hours of the offense whether the complaints were true or not. This has the markings of East Germany’s Stasi regime and according to Judith Bergman of the Gatestone Institute, most likely violates the European Convention on Human Rights.
SPLC’s hype against “the right” bears the fruit of hate itself. An unhinged man enraged by the “haters” identified by SPLC on its “hate map” decided to take action. He attacked the Family Research Council in Washington, DC with a hand gun. After the attack on the Family Research Council some of the victims of SPLC’s hate politics sued for defamation. The Family Research Council, the Ruth Institute, Liberty Counsel, Eagle Forum and more claimed they had been “maligned, defamed and otherwise harmed” by SPLC in its groundless charges of hate. They received an out of court settlement from SPLC. More recently a British based group, Quilliam Foundation, received an out-of-court settlement of $3.4 million. (
In addition to successful lawsuits against SPLC for defamation, more good news is coming in. SPLC’s founder, Morris Dees, has been hoisted on his own petard. He recently resigned after being accused of sexual improprieties with staff. The group’s president resigned as well. According to Breitbart News many innocent people (victims of SPLC) are petitioning governments to distance itself from the group’s false political and social doctrines and radical methods. The FBI has dumped SPLC as a hate crimes resource. Let’s hope more follow the FBI’s example.
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