raluca bocu

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The Best Playlist In Town
I’m a toy genius who searches the world for the best toys! I also sell them on my website www.ProTinkerToys.com
Blockchain Tech Finance
You Don't Need Any Permit For A God Given Right!
Babies Are People. They Are One Of Us.
Hello everybody, this channel is of many things; drawing art, writing parodies, taking videos or photos of places I've visited. I'm also a youtuber https://www.youtube.com/user/BiFriday and I'm on bitchute https://www.bitchute.com/channel/redpillsamurai/ who likes to do exploration, i hope to gain interest from people subscribing to provide support and help me in furthering the expedition to explore all over the world. I also have Zazzle created to sell my Red Pill Philosophy i created. Most of my drawings i've been creating would go on the products as with my philosophy. The reason i named myself the "red pill samurai" is because i am striving to better my own life and live as well as help teach others too, which is why i created the red pill samurai philosophy.
I have been gaming since 1992 and building PCs since 2003. I enjoy Linux, supporting FOSS projects and am a tinfoil hat connoisseur. Gaming is my achilles heel in that regard. Many FOSS projects rely on donations. If you have money to spare but don't know which to donate to take a look at the below links on Ko-fi, Github, and Open Collective. Anything on there is something I have found to be worthy.
We design clothing and home fashions that purposefully focus on helping you build and cultivating a Positive, FloState, and True Success Psychology. Our design philosophy is based upon proven methods of Positive Brain Training, geared towards visually simulating the mind in preparation for a True Success Transformation. Moreover, whether you're wearing or using any of our products, you are engaged in a Positive Transformation that is running in the background of your mind. Besides, our Positive, FloStart Designs are being projected from you to others out in the world. In other words, you become a beacon for the Happier Lifestyle which reaches out to other people who are searching for the higher FloStart for themselves. This is a great way to introduce something wonderfully positive to the rest of the world! DON'T YOU THINK? https://www.webtalk.co/6802182 Join FloState Design over on WebTalk where you can earn some fantastic residual income. https://earn.webtalk.co/6802182 Very Cool Income Opportunity From WebTalk! Watch this short video and prepare for a better future. #travel #videos #incomeforlife #financialfreedom
Jan 2020
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