
Welcome to USA Conservative where conservative values are learned and liberal nonsense is shunned. Join us on our journey to Make America Great Again!
Passionate about Holistic Health but realized that a lot of superfoods may not do much for you because everyone is so unique. So super excited to find how to bypass digestion issues and KEY is EMOTIONAL TRAUMA which usually starts in childhood. The SUBCONSCIOUS is more powerful than the conscious! I also came to realize how corrupt BIG PHARMA is and later saw it in the Financial world and then saw the entire history of it all infiltrating the entire world. My main concern right now is the ILLEGAL rolling out of 5G Wireless. The only thing we can put our trust in is the God of the Bible and His Son who will one day create a NEW HEAVENS and a NEW EARTH! In the meantime we are to OCCUPY UNTIL HE COMES! He never changes! He is the same, yesterday, today, and forever! Amen!
Landscape painter exposing the mystery in an ordinary day. Canadian Contemporary Artist Terrill Welch Gallery Newsletter A Brush with Life is the good bits! Insider stories, discoveries, snippets, opinions, new works and shows for fans and art collectors of Terrill Welch paintings. Published every 2nd Friday. Planting a seed for a Minds Group For Painters and Art Lovers
Jan 2019
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