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Embrace Challenges To Feel Fulfilled

Scott CunninghamFeb 1, 2019, 8:26:31 AM

I came to a great realization this year that if I wasn’t struggling to achieve the things I wanted, then I wasn’t trying hard enough. Not just the next goal, but struggling to achieve my vision. Struggling to say no to a night out over working or learning. I was trying to be comfortable, but we don’t grow in that space. We have to push those limits. I thought I was doing so much work and putting in so much effort to improving myself that I was getting comfortable with it and becoming more apathetic. I miss when I had no money and I was staying up all night coding websites and working on music. I realized this year that I don’t have that same energy and if I don’t feel like I’m struggling then I’m not done for the day.

Let me know your thoughts in the comments!


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