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Interviewing Gabriel Rene From Verses.io

Scott CunninghamOct 30, 2019, 2:47:06 AM

I recently had the chance to chat with Gabriel Rene who is the CEO and founder of Verses.io to learn a little more about the project and where it is headed. This is my 196th episode and I hope you enjoy!

VERSES Labs provides enterprises, organizations and governments with an extensive suite of integrated technologies that offer powerful spatial rights management capabilities to enable dynamic workflows, verifiable traceability, intelligent automation and collaborative ecosystems that address the need for multi-party privacy, security and interoperability by design.

These are some of the questions we will cover:

• Can you tell us a little bit about yourself? – 0:20

• How busy are you now / How does your day look? – 0:29

• Can you give us a brief introduction to Verses? – 0:52

• The last time I saw a demo was at Futurist last year, what has changed within Verses since then? – 4:05

• You mentioned you wrote the book The Spatial Web recently would you care to share a little bit about that? – 4:50

• How was the idea for Verses formed and what was the motivation behind it? – 9:08

• What are the next big updates for Verses to release soon or that are in the works? – 15:40

• Where do you see Verses going in the next year? The next 5 years? – 17:58

• Where does Verses fit in with other existing similar projects? – 20:00

• What is the current userbase size and how well is the Verses growing? – 22:35

• Will you or any of your team be attending any upcoming crypto or blockchain related events? – 26:30

• Can you share with everyone where they can go to learn more about this? – 28:34

• Is there anything else you’d like to share? – 29:30

I grabbed a copy of his e-book myself to go through and wow it’s extremely in-depth and long. It’s got a lot packed into it, to say the least.

You can learn more about the project at https://www.verses.io/ and The Spatial Web Foundation at https://thespatialweb.org/

You can find his book The Spatial Web: How Web 3.0 Will Connect Humans, Machines, and AI to Transform the World at https://www.amazon.com/Spatial-Web-Connect-Machines-Transform-ebook/dp/B07X1V8D58/ref=as_li_ss_tl?crid=F42GT36TV3TS&keywords=the+spatial+web&qid=1567535573&s=digital-text&sprefix=the+spatial+web,digital-text,193&sr=1-1&linkCode=sl1&tag=5p4c3-20&linkId=d94dc28cb20ab2454f4018026561edbd&language=en_US

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