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An Introduction to Armed Home-Defense

ServeandProtectFeb 28, 2019, 11:58:00 PM

Shooting an intruder is a small part of defending your home. Most of the work needed to be done to protect your home actually starts with preparing to avoid using your weapon. Using weapons should be your last resort and you should only use violence if you are faced with violence. 

You should start your home defense plan by initially making your home hard to break into. The next portion of your plan should be fleeing the scene and getting away from any potential attackers. Having a gun to defend your home only makes your plan stronger, and you should not completely base your plan around relying on a gun. The odds of facing a threat that is potentially lethal are very low but it is good to be prepared if that is the fate that you might meet. 

When choosing a firearm, you should use the laws in your area as a guide and tool for preparation. You should never incorporate illegal aspects into your plans, always obey the laws as not doing so could put you at just as much risk. 

Aside from just choosing a firearm, you will need to ask yourself whether or not you are willing to deal with the weight of ever having to use one in defending yourself. Is that something that you could live with?

Decide what tactically works for you and your situation. Will you really need that much firepower for your neighborhood? What potential threats are you facing? What are you willing to do to deal with them? Only you can answer those questions- we can not choose what works best for every situation. You should also contemplate things like what doors, windows, and any other possible entries can you add locks to? Where can you add barricades? Start formulating a plan for training sessions, drills for defending your home, and start talking to your family about this. 

If you think this is too much for you, that is fine. Any work you put into defending yourself, your home, and your family is much better than not taking any action at all. 

Do what you can, when you can, and you'll be far better off than where you were when you didn't contemplate such matters. 

The purpose of this blog is to get you to think about what you need to do to keep yourself and your family safe, this is not an extensive weapons guide (although we will get more into that in upcoming blogs.) For the more complex guides to come, stay tuned and subscribe to @ServeandProtect. We will be posting a new blog at least once a week building on the initial concepts we spoke about today. 

Thank you for your time, and stay safe out there. 

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