This is a simplified version of how the imperialist Deep State has infiltrated and ruled Britain as the Ruling Class, whilst hiding behind the identities of the Brythonic and later the Anglo Saxon English and Scottish people, ...
This phrase describes a World Wide Shadow Cabal and Government, that is elitist and made up of high level bankers, industrialists, merchants, statesmen and secret society leaders that organise behind the scenes, in secretive think tanks, at meetings with Chatham House style rules.
These are rules that stipulate that certain things that go on and get discussed, must be kept from the public including the press. Under Chatham House rules, various international elitists can meet and plan long ranged agendas.
From around 55BC the Deep State, under the identity of the ‘Roman’/Babylonian Empire, invaded the British Isles and started to establish themselves and control the Brythonic, … inhabitants and culture.
In 1066AD, again the Deep State, backed by the Papacy and money lenders, this time under the identity of the military machine of the Norman Norse and their Scandinavian cousins known as the Vikings, invaded, conquered and became the Ruling Class of the British Isles.
They enclosed the Common Land from the common people and gave it to their aristocracy.
They were advanced master masons and built great churches, cathedrals and castles.
They then went on to conquer Ireland and the rest of the world.
These Norman Rulers didn’t even speak the olde Brythonic or English language, but spoke Norse-French and Latin instead, but they did eventually help create an Anglo-Norman language that we now all use today as modern English.
Anglo-Norman is currently the most widely spoken language across the world.
In around 1128 Hugh de Payens, the first Grand Master of the Knights Templar, came to visit the Norman King and then went on to England and Scotland to establish bases for themselves.
The Templars served as the King’s protectors and bankers, as Christians participating in usury back then, were frowned upon.
Around the AD1185 the Crown Corporation Empire of the City of London, where the Knights Templars located their HQ, began and later became a headquarters for the Jesuits, (with their white horse Pegasus symbol), who now control the City of London Crown Corporation.
Today, the whole world is pretty well governed through this Crown Corporation.
There appeared to be a move to gain more Independence for England from the Church of Rome during Elizabeth 1st reign AD1558-1603.
In AD1600 after the defeat of the Spanish Armada, the English East Indian Company went into competition with the established Dutch East Indian Company, bringing in huge wealth to the country and expanding international trade. Elizabeth 1st also built trade relationships with the Ottoman Empire.
It is speculated that the Deep State bankers based in the Netherlands had: -
1. backed Oliver Cromwell, …
2. helped agitate for the horrific English Civil War of AD1642-1646,
3. helped create a situation that led to the execution of Charles 1st and the destruction of the Constitutional Monarchy in AD1649
4. helped declare from AD1649-1660 the New Republican Commonwealth of England with Oliver Cromwell as Lord Protector of the New Republic.
5. Supported more land grabbing by lobbying for Enclosure Acts.
In AD1665 the Great Plague caused some panic, chaos and depopulation in England.
In AD1666 the Great Fire of London was another tragic upheaval for England.
In AD1688, the Deep State under the guise of William of Orange and his wife Mary, were invited to march in, bringing with them Bankers and Freemasons.
They relocated the Deep State Headquarters from Amsterdam to the square mile of the City of London, forming the Bank of England and the Crown Corporation and in AD1694 made the City of London an Independent Sovereign State where the ‘British’ Empire could be expanded from.
The Jacobite Risings of 1688 and 1746 was a rebellion against the regime change.
The Transportation Act AD1717 providing British ‘slaves’ to expand the colonies.
Battle of Culloden AD1746 helped justify the Land Clearances.
Land Clearances - Heritable Jurisdictions Act of AD1746 bullied off the crofter people, apparently to help make the land produce more profit.
Land Inclosure/Enclosure Acts AD1750-1860 helped the wealthy and well educated to bully off the less well off, but it’s also claimed that this policy help the land to yield more produce.
From AD1760-1840, The Industrial Revolution helped create more wealth for the ruling classes and a massive increase in poverty, unemployment, evictions, hunger and poor working and living conditions for the ordinary people.
It has been claimed that the Industrial Revolution was necessary to help make the United Kingdom more competitive against other nations.
It is claimed that today, this Crown Corporation along with the Vatican, controls the worlds media & publishing, ‘law’, insurance, banking, the Stock Exchange and Freemasonry, …
Deep Stater -George Soros has a sister organisation to Greta’s XR Extinction Rebellion.
It’s called “Black Lives Matter/BLM”, with some recognising it as an extreme leftist organisation.
Institutional Racism, Prejudice, Unfairness, Bullying and Police Brutality are very serious problems that must be solved once and for all.
BLM has now eclipsed the Bill Gates Plandemic and Unlawful Lockdown, the Financial Meltdown, the Harmful Orwellian 5G Planned Roll Out, the Transhuman GMO, AI, Depopulation agenda,has helped change the narrative and appears to be another Deep State - Controlled Opposition Movement backed by George Soros and infiltrated by the fascist ANTIFA fascists, to help stir up more divisions, hatred, anger whilst deliberately misleading and reframing it’s supporters with propaganda.
Ironically, the statues that some in this movement attack, actually represent some of the historical figures, that were also complicit in various Deep State crimes, such as exploitation, slavery, genocide and imperialism, ...
With regards to Winston Churchill - all wars are bankers’ wars and Winston was sadly playing his part for the Deep State too.
The Deep State Zionist supporting Pied Piper - Tommy and his Football thugs beer swilling Alliance also appears to get wheeled out at crucial and critical times, to represent a misguided nationalism and patriotism and take part in the Divide and Rule Game.
The left and right of political opposition is actually part of this divide and rule project of the Deep State Media and politics, ...
It’s clear that the Deep State wants us to destroy ourselves, our nations and fight each other.
It’s time for us all to unite and come together.
Be Sovereign and Honest and use natural Divine Common Law principles.
All the people, all over the world, of all colours, religions and cultures must now unite under the real truth and solutions such as the natural Divine Common Law principles and help collapse the Deep State once and for all, by helping to use the true real Law - the natural Divine Common Law to investigate and arrest these Deep State criminals.
Once this has been achieved, the natural Divine Common Law principles can be fully restored and wars, poverty, bullying including racism and exploitation can end and this can bring more equity, peace and justice back to the world.
Along with this, everyone across the world will have access to abundance, effective solutions for poverty and environmental issues, through the Common Law, Sovereign National Credit and Nikola Tesla Technologies.
Let us all focus now on peacefully uniting the 99.9% on the Truth and Solutions that can set us all free once and for all.