
Against white genocide, LGBT, multiculturalism, Marxism, masonry, any other form of subversive Judaic trickery utilized to destabilize and destroy western civility. Ashkenazi/khazars and crypto Jews are enemies of the land and mean your people and country no good and will stop at nothing to see their plans of white genocide come to fruition, stand up and defend your land! Never forget 109 locations in 2500 years, is not for nothing, and it should be Noted at 110, seeing as a Small town in Northern Quebec, Canada recently expelled the local Chabad Lubavitch mob hangout known as “house of Israel synagogue” as of September 1st 2018.
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Against white genocide, LGBT, multiculturalism, Marxism, masonry, any other form of subversive Judaic trickery utilized to destabilize and destroy western civility. Ashkenazi/khazars and crypto Jews are enemies of the land and mean your people and country no good and will stop at nothing to see their plans of white genocide come to fruition, stand up and defend your land! Never forget 109 locations in 2500 years, is not for nothing, and it should be Noted at 110, seeing as a Small town in Northern Quebec, Canada recently expelled the local Chabad Lubavitch mob hangout known as “house of Israel synagogue” as of September 1st 2018.