I don't really believe in spiritual doctrines, dogmatic, divide the people ones anyway, but thought I'd share some of my spiritual beliefs in the form of a doctrine to learn and grow with any like minded individuals who share similar views. And what better place to do that then on an alternative network like minds? I have been studying the mainstream holy books for awhile now, as well as books such as Richard Dawkins' The God Delusion (which is brilliant), about 100 New Age books over the last 16 years and gleaming knowledge from my own very out-there personal experiences with Divine Beings. It brings me to the conclusion that there is no organisation, no person who has all, or even half the answers. This includes the New Age, whose books I have focused on the most because they make the most logical sense. An all powerful God would not torture or hurt his little creations in some hell dimension, forever even and would not require anything at all from us, especially demanding that we harm any of His other little creations to please Him. This is one of many teachings from the New Age and I believe it is the most accurate of the mainstream doctrines to date. But it still falls short of anywhere near total accuracy.
You see, it is a collection of books from many authors over the last 5 decades and many of these authors have not read the others books! This coupled with us being only human means we really have only a tiny bit of knowledge about The All (Higher Intelligence, Universal Consciousness, God) anyway. It is when you find someone that has total belief they are right and being that humans can be very irrational beings this is a problem. I freely admit the doctrine I am about to lay out includes inaccuracies and really I have no idea if this is true, but I have taken aspects of ALL main faiths out there to create it. None of them got it 100% but there is much wisdom to be gained from the old and new books and teachers on the subject and I believe many all these faiths have great, very accurate truths and also practices that benefit us.
My Spiritual Doctrine
Reincarnation exists! We are eternal beings on an eternal journey, with karmic forces governing everything, Karma being a powerful, powerful force in all Good Places. I agree with the Buddhists that we are on a life and death cycle, I just think it is kinder then they allow for, that we get rest time (very, very nice Heavenly rest) in between lives. Enlightenment and mastery as they say is our SOLE reason for being here, but you can interpret that as magnificence and Godhood to. Awakened consciousness, expanding our minds and awareness is what we seek on earth, a spiritual growth spurt, caused by the immense hardships that we face here. This place, Earth IS as bad as it gets anywhere (I believe in hell but no ordered being ever goes there!) for love based/ordered beings and I think that really says something about the kindness of creation. We are here to learn lessons such as patience and kindness, compassion and forgiveness which are very important states of being since we are being shown such kindness.
Angels Exist! I know angels exist, I actually have an altar to them in my bedroom, have felt their presence many times and they are pure, pure goodness, delightful and loving on an entirely other level, second only to God Herself. They teach and guide us throughout our eternal existence and have done much for humanity. I have also known, seemingly dark angels, though I must warn you I am diagnosed with schizophrenia and so there is a disclaimer with that and all of it really. I believe Lucifer fell, but I also think God's intelligence is infinite, literally so he found a way for this proud angel to help us as he fell. He is the great tester and in my experience, currently living is utter misery, squalor and generally horrendous, terrible conditions. Like one of us living in a rubbish tip for years or even just shit. Everywhere. He is not a great lord anymore, his only power coming from his willing servants, with there completely misplaced faith. I've talked to many people of many faiths and it is my firm belief that the Luciferians have it completely wrong, are being lied to by this being and would not serve him if they knew the truth, that there is no hell but that which Lucifer wants to create. They say he is all about serving oneself but as stated in holy scripture he is the father of lies and uses the souls of his servants to further this goal of an actual hell. He also uses the power they give him to torment people like me who reject him completely. They have no idea how truly angry and dangerous this being is, wanting small things like fame and money, exchanging the infinitely priceless gift of a soul in return. Of course the soul is a tiny part of God so can never be truly destroyed but really it is a long, long path to get it back. He is also being used to manage the chaos dimensions and catchment areas that hold the very dark energies of the worst of us, places that are hell for normal humans...
Ok that is enough for now, I will be back soon with my music (got a new guitar the other day), writing and more so stay tuned and follow along!
Ps. I have a website at www.jacklawlor.net, you can find more of my writing and music or get in contact!
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