An unbroken man in a broken world.
Free speech, free thought and the pursuance of truth, are the right and responsibility of all.
Every can and should be scrutinised and criticised, for the wellbeing of humanity.
Political correctness is a disease of the modern mind. It's viral like infection is pushed by those who wish to control the mindset of the populace.
Posts will likely contain satire.
Not everything reposted/shared means it's content is endorsed.
An unbroken man in a broken world.
Free speech, free thought and the pursuance of truth, are the right and responsibility of all.
Every can and should be scrutinised and criticised, for the wellbeing of humanity.
Political correctness is a disease of the modern mind. It's viral like infection is pushed by those who wish to control the mindset of the populace.
Posts will likely contain satire.
Not everything reposted/shared means it's content is endorsed.