Subtac Off Road Life

I'm just a country boy redneck with a Masters Degree and I have fun creating lots of content. Some content is about prepping, survival, and redneck stuff. Some content is about my adventures in my Polaris RZR 1000xp High Lifter, or my 2018 can-am Outlander XMR 850, and then some stuff is just about daily stuff. In these pursuits I have learned many tips, trick and life hacks that I in turn, share with you in the content that I create. Come on along and just watch my life.
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Peaceful Parent, Philosopher and Host of Freedomain, the world's largest philosophy conversation!
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Independent Journalist
"I'm not normal" I want to RED PILL the whole PLANET! Conservative Libertarian for closed borders and free market. Pro: God, West, gun, life, gay, Israel. Anti: Nazi, Racist, antifa, censorship. I spend all day looking for the best of the best News, MEMEs and Philosophy so you don't have to. Just click Subscribe @john and @ottman both subbed you should too! "To be angry is to be strong, but to be Calm is to be even Stronger" - ZeTube
A Gladstonian liberal who is concerned about the airstrip one future. Telegram
Covering what the mainstream media won't touch every day.
Apr 2017
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