
You Who Are Temple And Template, Know The Template, That You May Witness The Temple Of Blissful Truth; Without-Within The TemplicTemplate. -Links, platforms, content, and contact, and requests: Minds (OpenSource Social Blog): https://www.minds.com/templictemplate/about Odysee (OpenSource Video Archive): https://odysee.com/@templictemplate:e7bfb69576a29fd9ab06d9ddbe84ef0973931ef7 YouTube (public videos) - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC1XDDPeP3J-GFTcAD9FQKtA PayPal (gifts): https://www.paypal.me/templictemplate Patreon (bonus content): patreon.com/TemplicTemplates Element (Secure Chat Forum): https://matrix.to/#/!OqhdnDtMLctGZobobx:matrix.org?via=matrix.org Telegram (public chat): https://t.me/+zPNK0r4ZP75jYTIx UNIFYD (OpenSource SocialMedia): https://unifyd.com/profile/templictemplate/ Proton (encryptable email): TemplicTemplate@protonmail.com **Use this for content removal requests** GMail (Google) TemplicTemplate@gmail.com TemplicTemplate also linking through Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and more. [ Disclaimers & Notices ] 1)Consult a professional regarding all educational, financial, and medical topics. Content is not intended to promote any business, individual, culture, or idea. No claims of expertise or credentials of any kind are to be assumed or applied to the author or any associates. 2) FairUse of content claimed as in U.S.A. Copyright Act. 3) Starting in 2020, TradeMark TemplicTemplate™ and ServiceMark TemplicTemplate℠ are claimed by the owner and operator of this channel.
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You Who Are Temple And Template, Know The Template, That You May Witness The Temple Of Blissful Truth; Without-Within The TemplicTemplate. -Links, platforms, content, and contact, and requests: Minds (OpenSource Social Blog): https://www.minds.com/templictemplate/about Odysee (OpenSource Video Archive): https://odysee.com/@templictemplate:e7bfb69576a29fd9ab06d9ddbe84ef0973931ef7 YouTube (public videos) - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC1XDDPeP3J-GFTcAD9FQKtA PayPal (gifts): https://www.paypal.me/templictemplate Patreon (bonus content): patreon.com/TemplicTemplates Element (Secure Chat Forum): https://matrix.to/#/!OqhdnDtMLctGZobobx:matrix.org?via=matrix.org Telegram (public chat): https://t.me/+zPNK0r4ZP75jYTIx UNIFYD (OpenSource SocialMedia): https://unifyd.com/profile/templictemplate/ Proton (encryptable email): TemplicTemplate@protonmail.com **Use this for content removal requests** GMail (Google) TemplicTemplate@gmail.com TemplicTemplate also linking through Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and more. [ Disclaimers & Notices ] 1)Consult a professional regarding all educational, financial, and medical topics. Content is not intended to promote any business, individual, culture, or idea. No claims of expertise or credentials of any kind are to be assumed or applied to the author or any associates. 2) FairUse of content claimed as in U.S.A. Copyright Act. 3) Starting in 2020, TradeMark TemplicTemplate™ and ServiceMark TemplicTemplate℠ are claimed by the owner and operator of this channel.
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