With the support of “5G Free California” and “Los Angeles Skywatch”, Thomas McFarlan is facilitating a Stop-5G demonstration in Venice California, on Saturday January 25th 2020, that’s open to all peaceful demonstrators, who seek to stop the omnipresent deployment of the 5G wireless network infrastructure, and technology, in the Los Angeles region and beyond. This demonstration will take place in solidarity with the "Global 5G Protest Day", and two weeks of related international stop 5G actions leading up to the global protest day on the 25th.
If you're serious about stopping 5G, this is a very important protest event to attend... If you just attend one or two Stop-5G protests the whole year, this should be one of them.
By Thomas McFarlan
Featured Image by Bart De Bruyn, Used Here with a “Fair Use” License, for this Educational and Not-For-Profit Journalism Initiative
A quick overview of why the 5G wireless network infrastructure, and technology, need to be stopped, and stopped now not later…
The 5G wireless network will output ten-to-hundreds of times the amount of harmful radiation as the current 4G wireless network, additionally, all will be exposed to this new 5G radiation 24/7, even those who don’t use a cell phone or wifi. The new “small cell towers” that are critical to the 5G infrastructure plan, are set to be deployed every 200-500 feet, all across America including residential areas. This means that every residential neighborhood block, will have a 5G “small cell tower” installed in front of homes every 200-500 feet — and there will be no where to go to escape this 5G radiation, as these “small cell towers” will blanket the entire U.S. — from big cities to the most remote of regions.
Experts are saying the areas that get tricked into installing 5G, will see home values drop 20%… Additionally, surveillance abuse crimes that have grown common in the 21st century, will potentially dramatically increase in scale and scope, if 5G is deployed as planned.
Clearly 5G must be stopped, and it must be stopped now not later…
For a detailed explanation of why the 5G wireless network infrastructure, and technology, must be stopped, visit the Stop 5G on Earth and Space website for a very thorough explanation, backed up by the endorsement of hundreds of renowned and independent, scientists and doctors of integrity.
Based on the great success of July's “National Day of Action to Stop 5G”, Thomas McFarlan — with the promotional support and sponsorship of “5G Free California” and “Los Angeles Skywatch” — will facilitate a demonstration on Abbot Kinney Blvd. in Venice, California on Saturday January 25th 2020.
Below is a video feature, anti-smart meter guru Jerry Day produced, of July's “National Day of Action to Stop 5G” demonstration, that Thomas McFarlan and Julie Levine led in Venice California.
Demonstration Logistics
Date: Saturday, January 25th 2020
Demonstration Time: 10:45am—1pm (Please do arrive at 10:45am sharp)
Demonstration Area: We will be forming 2 demonstration groups: a small one that will be demonstrating in front of the Erewhon health food market, roughly at the corner of Venice Blvd and Abbot Kinney Blvd., and a larger one that will be walking up and down Abbot Kinney Blvd. in the trendy section of the street where many people congregate, but we will be meeting first at 10:45am in front of the French Market Cafe at 2321 Abbot Kinney Blvd.
Meet-up Location: 10:45am in front of the French Market Café at 2321 Abbot Kinney Blvd. Venice, CA 90291 (just south of Venice Blvd. on Abbot Kinney Blvd.). Note we aren't meeting inside this restaurant, but in front of the restaurant, here we'll be forming our 2 demonstration groups then walking to our demonstration sites.
Parking: Parking is very easy to find on Abbot Kinney Blvd., south of Venice Blvd. on Abbot Kinney and surrounding streets, before 11am. This is the area right in front of the French Market Café, so finding parking shouldn’t be difficult.
There will be many large and excellently crafted pre-made signs for demonstration attendees to hold, so there is no need to make your own sign, however if you would like to make your own you are absolutely welcome to do so of course. Use succinct language slogans in the signage you create, so people in passing cars, and people walking by quickly, will be able to readily understand the message we’re trying to get out to the public. For example, the simple phrase: “5G Proven Unsafe for All”, or “Stop 5G Wireless Now”, or even just “Stop 5G”, or “5G Proven Unsafe”, are excellent succinct slogans that immediately communicate what our message is — even people who pass by our demonstration for just 1–2 seconds in a car, will have enough time to read and understand these succinct type of messages. Peer reviewed flyers will be made by the leader of this demonstration, that will contain the key scientific facts about 5G, and these flyers will be handed out to all the demonstrators, to pass out to those in the public who are receptive, so this is where the key details of our message will be communicated. The content and statements within this flyer have been peer-reviewed by the 5G Free California leadership group, and are grounded in objective facts.
Peaceful demonstrators only. Generally speaking, all that is asked and all that is required, is that all demonstrators simply exercise basic common sense and common courtesy towards the public.
Abbot Kinney Blvd. and Venice Blvd. are legally considered a “Traditional Public Forum”, thus is a legal and appropriate location to hold a demonstration, to voice and present opinions, thus to exercise First Amendment rights. Traditional Public Forums, are places that have been traditionally considered available for public assembly and debate. The authority of the government to limit expressive activity in these places is sharply limited. Streets, sidewalks and parks are included in this category. For more info about our rights to demonstrate, visit The Rutherford Institute’s website page: “Constitutional Q&A: The Right to Protest”.
If you have any questions about this demonstration, or would like to add your name to the email list to receive notices of future demonstrations, you can email Thomas at: disclosure@thoughtjustice.com
For more information about the "5G Free California" organization, that sponsors this event and is a leading force in the Stop-5G movement for all of Southern California, visit their Facebook page at this link, visit their website at this link, or email Julie Levine at: julie@5gfreetopanga.org
For more information about the "Los Angeles Skywatch" organization, that sponsors this event, and is a leading force in the Stop Geo-Engineering movement, and interrelated movements like stopping 5G, visit their website at this link.
If you would like to help out with the cost of organizing this demonstration, please make a donation to me via PayPal, at this link, as you see fit. Even donations as little as $3 are appreciated.
Please Support My Efforts… My journalism is unpaid public service work, and I’m subject to organized stalking crimes that have left my finances in ruins… If you would like to support my journalism with a donation, this would be very much appreciated, and will help allow me to focus my time on continuing to expose deep-state crimes against humanity. You can make a donation to me via PayPal at this link. Or you can support me here on Minds.com, with a Crypto-Currency donation.
Please also aggressively share my journalism online, as well as, the journalism of Ramola D whom I work in solidarity with, and other genuine truth journalists as much as you can. Be vocal online, and in your local communities, about the reality of organized stalking, 9/11, and other deep-state crimes.
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