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BijaBodhi बीजबोधि The Seed of Awakening

ThujaSapientia21Jul 19, 2019, 9:18:26 PM

Citta-Mātra चित्तमात्र Consciousness Only and The Embryo of Enlightenment Tathāgatagarbha तथागत गर्भ

(Śūnyatā शून्यता/ Dharmadhatu धर्मदातु / Indrajāla इन्द्रजाल); Emptyness and the Absolute Reality of Inter-being

All is a mirrored multiplicity of mind. That supreme universal conscience clear with an incomprehensible emptiness sufficient to conceive all ideals and contain all forms. Brilliant, it shines with the light of every celestial fire it has become. Ephemerally divided it assumes all manifested forms of matter. Endowing it's essence within the structure of all that is. Like star-seeds, an inner-fire resides in all living beings providing the source of sentience that is the production of an illuminating mind. All is pure consciousness, the one becomes the many. Distinction is illusion. Potential Mind is latent in matter like potential fire is latent in matter. Both arise depending on the conditions required to support them. Death, just as when a fire is extinguished, does not eliminate the phenomena of fire itself from the realm of existence rather, a location of being is completed. The phenomenon of Mind, life, and fire(light)all exist in superposition, simultaneously nowhere and everywhere because of the potential to arise, and end, anywhere at any time. The universal phenomenon embodies all forms of matter. There is consciousness contained within the universe, the universe is conscious, the manifestation of our own mind is evidence of this. We are not separate from the universe but made up of it in every conceivable way. Ideal Concepts are transcribed as form in the world of matter. This body of matter hosting consciousness for a brief time, can think. Thought is not matter but can shape and influence matter, why wouldn't this be true throughout universe? The "I" is not truly substantial nor individual. We Inter-are as all, not one, not two. Everything is pure consciousness beyond our comprehension.

Bīja-vijñāna बीज-विज्ञान, Tathāgata-garbha तथागत-गर्भ Saṃsāra संसार

The human mind is like a fire and our body, it is the wood that hosts and sustains it. The inert matter that is the wood is not the fire, nor does it contain the fire but when wood is present there is potential for a new possibility; from inanimate materials an immaterial Energy is Manifested; Animated, Breathing, Consuming. As if aware of its Impermanence it strives to stay alive, moving it seeks out fuel. Seeming to desire greatness, greedy in its consumption it rises brighter burning with intensity. When matter no longer can sustain its flame it smolders out of existence. Behind it has left a momentary mark the land, the only remembrance of its ephemeral presence. That life giving wind to lift an ember from the coals, a seed of fire floats in the either destined to spark a flame in a new field of existence. This fire is neither the same nor different but is as interrelated as progeny. The Spirit (Mind) is like this, an ever-burning fire never fully extinguished but... latent in all things. Consciousness and fire await the conditions necessary for emergence.

I'm-mortal and resurgent, never was but forever am become this, a fading star, a flash of lightning, earth elements, liquids and air, forming harmoniously…LIFE. Constant change. A cell, a seed, an egg…Complete Potential. A microbe, a plant, a beast, a conscious mind. Composed of all that came before, in essence am eternal but destined to dissolve and become something new with ever-increasing complexity. Not separate but emerging integrally within the universe, a microcosmic parallel become aware of itself striving for comprehension and completion of the highest attainment. Out from the imperceptible source, belonging not to any one place, or people. To know "I have lived and died amongst the various tribes in every age." This is the beginning of pondering the purpose.

Striving for release from Samsara. An old essence destined to be a born over again a child in every era. We live to learn. Karma seeds are planted in life and at death the reaping of crops and the weighing out of just rewards, we carry the harvest with us into our next life journey. We must work out our own salvation. Seek the path few find for that release from the cycle of suffering. That heaven awaits the arrival of the lonely traveler who sought and found the path. We must all choose to believe, with a heart exuding compassion and a mind radiating the light of wisdom. I am a being of the highest order. Empty and nothing, consummate with all conceptions, I am complete. Content without compulsion. Cleansed by divine fire, Sacred ashes; the remains of pride become humble. The seed of awakening here finds fertile ground. Knowledge of truth like water animates new growth. Purposefully rising to embody providence within the desolation and despair. Meaning is to become that that only you naturally could be.

Dharmadhatu धर्मदातु Pratītyasamutpāda प्रतीत्यसमुत्पाद Nāmarūpa नामरूप

Through inter-being, many forms of life have come and gone, if a particular physical form does not exist in the present moment, it has the potential to exist again. All structures of matter are adaptive manifestations attempting to achieve an ideal form. Being adaptive, all similar life forms may express variation dependent on the forces relative to their own lifetime. The potential shape for all things pre-exists their material manifestation. All forms that could exist, must exist. If a structure of matter has potential efficacy to thrive, it will be expressed. Where is the location of the premise for all things come thus into existence? Like the brain is matter but possesses immaterial ideas and expresses them through matter, so too are all things innate ideas expressed in matter by a universal mind. The universe is conscious, this is absolute fact! Why? Because you are matter endowed with conscious thought, you exist within the universe. That means, consciousness precedes and will supersede mankind as an integral part of the cosmos; if consciousness were not innate in the substrate, we could not possess it. The creative mind never stops and exists everywhere in everything in a constant state of becoming, all is one and you are of that.

Human intellect is incapable of conceiving into reality any new form or idea. We can only learn from the latent knowledge that exist in everything manifest around us. We are contained within the universe as a microcosmic component, not distinctly independent. People manifested on any world in the cosmos merely possess a mirror like consciousness. They are capable of reflecting only that knowledge that has been derived from their own perceptions. People seek to understand and then imitate to the best of their ability with increasing efficiency, attempting expansion of ourselves even into the cosmos. I can only wonder the purpose of our instincts to store information, create, improve, and expand. Panspermia is a theory of a non-local origin for life or rather, a seeding by asteroids and comet impacts. If true, it is possible that while searching for life amongst the Milky-way Galaxy we will find habitable planets with life similar to that of our own. These planet could have been fertilized by the same interstellar seeds. All life here in earth could be part of a galactic macrobiotic family group. What if earth-like biomes have manifested from the same cosmic seeds. In my mind I see a possibility of convergent evolution meaning, similar patterns of body structure arising in separate life forms. Other planets in our neighborhood could have also produced hominid like beings whose body structure allows for higher cognition and consciousness. It is possible each galaxy contains its own genetically distinct biotic family, the cosmos while empty can only be abundant in life and beings, and this is the reality in which we exist.

We live in the plurality of worlds, each galaxy its own world system possessing at least one manifestation of sentient being. Those Innumerable stars, all are independent solar systems and their planets whiz around them as they drift through the black of space-time. Each solar system also turning, they each wheel around in the whirlpool of their galaxy, spinning. Move your mind further beyond the imperceptibility of our own milky way. In an inconceivable vast universe containing an incomprehensible number of galaxies exist. We live in a multidimensional universe, move up or down an octave and everything in existence is manifest again. All things are possible, all that can be imagined already is, somewhere-somehow, and someone in some other body is thinking of the same thing as you at the same time on some other planet and in some other dimension.

Pudgala पुद्गल Ego-individual and Kliṣṭa-Manas मानस-विज्ञान

Isolated with our thoughts, alone amongst a sea of people. Somedays wishing to evaporate. Always almost, and never enough. Sufficient only for ourselves while suspecting our own Inferiority. Uncomfortable in our own skin and unsure of how to present ourselves. The false face is a mask made out of personal shame. It is only we who cannot accept our true self's. Being less than who you really are you always are the lesser man, inferior in every way. Showing only minor aspects of your personality you hope for a sense of belonging. We struggle against ourselves. Who am I? Who is the being beneath the name (....). "I am" is merely a confused and misguided autobiographical creation further flawed by wishful thinking. Why do we despise the self yet zealously shape it into existence. What is real? Who is real? The self is not real, we made it seem real, it is a fragile formation of likes and dislikes, by discriminating between this and that we each attempt to set ourselves apart. This body or that body, ugly or attractive. Regarding illusions appealing to the eye... wondering where real beauty resides, If the face were scorched by fire and the illusion were burned away the flesh is always marred and hideous causes fear and revulsion. Refined by the fire of humiliation. What is the real treasure that would remain? What hidden treasure would be found to inspire love? Your inner virtue is real beauty, this is what is truly precious.

As a being moves through time and space, aging it acquires a concept of self. This self, this ego, this "I", is a meticulously constructed personal identity. The persona being a result of influences from external experience and internal mental preference. The persona-identity is illusion without actual substance. The "I" dies with the body of elements upon which it was dependent. There is only one conscious I, the true and luminous mind that all beings are a merely scattered refractions. Like the reflection of the sun upon the water is not the sun itself, but OF the sun. This is the essence of the conscious being. Virtue and Wisdom are the only things a being should want to gain from life for these are Light. Evil and Ignorance are Darkness. Union with the luminosity of the original conscious requires that a being be accountable and eliminate its own acquired defilement through cultivating the inner light that drives out all darkness. We each could shine like a life giving star or destroy and darken as a black hole. Our thoughts, desires, and decisions determine all of this.

We must recognize our innermost failures; those moments when we feel guilt and shame for letting ourselves down. When we fall short of our own moral standards, we must not feel self-pity and wallow in regret. We must love ourselves unconditionally and forgive this imperfect persona as we learn and change through this lifetime. We must make an unbreakable promise to our own soul, "I will not hurt you like that ever again." It is only through our own thoughts and consequential actions that the soul is wounded. Do your best with the little time you have. Be worthy of the life you have been given. Our errors are opportunities to learn. Mistakes are potential life lessons. Into our path comes reoccurring obstacles and repeated failures to overcome. Lack of self-discipline, will, or apathy, these things overtime, erode away at a person's self-worth. A lazy person will never taste success. An intelligent person who only uses their wit to just exert minimal effort will never reach their potential. So too someone who is exceptional yet remains bound to the herd mentality. They are superior but keep inferior minds about them as companions. They mimic the social norms of an unexceptional group and dampen the light of their own brilliance. Bad company corrupts good character. Real Friends do not require you be anything less than what you truly are. Real friends encourage you to become better. Worthy friends help you shine brighter.

Minds can be molded, more importantly, you can shape the form of your own consciousness. Like clay added to a sculpture integrates smoothly without distinction, so too can our mental quality be influenced by the thoughts and writings of great minds. The more teaching we internalize the more we are capable of comprehending. When our minds mimic taking the likeness of those we admire we become capable of entertaining ideas of similar content and character. Even still All of this is illusion. It is all one thing. Like a prism takes in clear light and disperses the 7 colors. So too the conscious mind takes in all that is external and exudes conceptual distinctions. The all is made up of component parts. We are never only that which we appear to be. I tell you true, I know we are not who we think we are. Cherish yourself as holy, respect yourself and know your worth for you are, at your core, a divine being.

Tathāgata-garbha तथागत-गर्भ Bodhi बोधि.

Alone high on the mountain top the vision is whole. Below we can see the clouds pass and the rains falling the distance. We see that every moment in the stream is moving, Flowing from peace into turbulence. Nothing is constant. Prone to discomfort and dissatisfaction expect no lasting joy, for life is incomplete without suffering. For even at birth life is accompanied by pain, blood, and crying. In life happiness is an ephemeral condition, and Possession by Joy is only momentary. Still as daylight fades the water flows toward the ocean. There we are like wandering ship longing to find a lighthouse. We must become our own light. Within each of our minds is a divine spark hoping to ignite into a holy flame. We must ourselves become a guiding beacon for others. Become a candle of compassion who burns itself up to illuminate the path to truth hidden within the black. Fast and bright are thought and light. Instantaneous and illuminating. The speed of thought brings us anyplace we can imagine, creates anything we imagine. A mind allowed to freely float in the flow of consciousness, in a flash, can encounter an idea so profound only the cosmos could contain it. We simply can observe it as the current passes through our field of awareness. Thought and derived knowledge have the qualities of light, illuminating truth and eliminating the dark of ignorance. Without direct experience of a phenomenon, we can contrive an understanding of something intangible through mental effort. Through experiencing it we find it to be…inexpressible. The philosopher will perceive the truth before the scientist discovers and proves it fact. Einstein through force of mind alone, He concentrated and utilized refined critical thinking, through contemplation he began to understand the nature of space-time, matter and energy in our universe. Destined for eventual epiphany, each of us is a seed of pure consciousness that will grow and bloom in Beauty at its appropriate time.